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Mccoombe - Cheat?


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:city: I was embarrassed to be a Bristol City fan when I saw it and it brought no credit to our club,up to that point he had been our best player but that can not be defended and hopefully he is ashamed about it himself. :tumbleweed:

McCoombe was wrong but why was there player not booked for throwing the ball at McCoombe

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Always liked Big Jamie as a throughly honest pro.

But that was a very bad, a blatant attempt to get Hulse sent off, probably out of character and a rush of blood in the heat of the moment, but neveraless should be punished by GJ and dropped from the side.

Hit the nail on the head with that one xerox, JM is not known as a blatant cheat like some on the pitch yesterday.

Makes you wonder what he thought when he saw the replay. I'd like to think he won't ever do anything like that again.

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Absolutely. Obviously we were all at the other end, and as soon as he went down my mate turned to me and said 'Well Hulse has got to go there, because Jamie wouldn't go down for nothing'

What a let down. I can't stand this sort of thing. I thought Savage was pathetic chasing and berating every single City player everytime there was a foul, and croft was pathetic for his squabble with Mccalister. They were acting much worse than us but Boom let them wind him up and it worked. He deserves everything he'll get, i feel ashamed i didn't think any of our lot would do that.

I'm not condoning what Jamie did, as you say we were at the other end, but the Lee Croft/McAllister incident happened right in front of me and Croft should have gone - if he had I doubt Jamie would have done what he did! Still think Hulse & Savage got away with far more. Savage had his hand across Hartley's throat and managed to con the ref into giving HIM a free kick, Hulse was diving all over the place.

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I'm not condoning what Jamie did, as you say we were at the other end, but the Lee Croft/McAllister incident happened right in front of me and Croft should have gone - if he had I doubt Jamie would have done what he did! Still think Hulse & Savage got away with far more. Savage had his hand across Hartley's throat and managed to con the ref into giving HIM a free kick, Hulse was diving all over the place.

Unfortunately, your answer attempts to excuse McCombe's behaviour and that means you are condoning what he did.

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That wasn't my intention! I think McCombe was an idiot to do what he did!

Lee Croft should have gone though!

I agree.

It's funny how it's a straight red for raising a hand to an opponent's face, but if you shove your hand in his face while he's laying on the floor, it's only a yellow.

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Sticking up for Boom there were no close up's so maybe there was contact when they went head to head.

What was surprising was the lack of teammates when Savage, Hulse & Teale were surrounding him.

Going by the highlights he didn't appear to have the best game and maybe it's not a bad thing that he'll get an enforced 'rest'

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Sticking up for Boom there were no close up's so maybe there was contact when they went head to head.

What was surprising was the lack of teammates when Savage, Hulse & Teale were surrounding him.

Going by the highlights he didn't appear to have the best game and maybe it's not a bad thing that he'll get an enforced 'rest'

You can't stick up for him on this one. What he did was pure and simple cheating. Why don't we leave that rubbish in the Premier League because it isn't wanted by many supporters who attend Ashton Gate with any regularity.

He should be fined two weeks wages, stripped of the Captaincy and put on the transfer list (the way we're going we might have to open a transfer "book").

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The truth is he was awful in all departments yesterday. He tried to give them a goal in the first half, was nervous in possession, gave away 2 yellows when he simply couldn't keep up with play, he clearly dived and therefore cheated and one of the few positives that came of the defeat is that he will be suspended for the next game. He was shocking, and although he has done well for us and is a decent bloke and all that, he is not good enough if we wish to progress as a football club.

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By watching the highlights on player mccombe was shocking i really cant understand why he made that challenge for his first booking and to react like he did was just embarrasing..Hes got a club fine to.

Another thing is why the hell is he captain??

Saw the incident on the local news this evening. What a plonker and how embarrassing. However he is not the only one of our lot to do this sort of thing. Basso has over-reacted on many occasions to dubious or strong challenges, not so theatrically perhaps, but nevertheless the play acting has been there.

Totally ridiculous element of the modern game.

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Think the ban might be a blessing in disguise.

Have never thought that McCoombe was up to the Championship and would much rather have a more mobile back 3 / 4 against typical championship frontlines. Can only see him being of use against the likes of Fallon and Parkin.

Bring back Louis or Nytanga if fit and lets see us build from the back rather than hitting 40 / 50 yard hopeful balls from front to back

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I have always liked McCoombe - but for me he is not up to the quality needed for this Division - he was a berk and it was cheating and if it leads to a chance for others to have a run and for McCoombe to be cover if needed maybe an ill wind that blows us a bit of good

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Guest bigcheese
The truth is he was awful in all departments yesterday. He tried to give them a goal in the first half, was nervous in possession,

Always thought that his strength, great heading and pretty solid play offset the fact he cant kick or control a ball for toffee but he definitely looked like a liability yesterday!

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Yes he cheated.

Have a look through numerous other sports over the past few months and he is not alone.

As soon as money is involved it is going to happen (and it happens in amateur sports as well).

Any criticism heading his way, from us, over a short period of time is deserved. However I hope were not still talking about this in October.

ps I didn't realise a certain person who played for Derby was so mobile. After just about every decision against us he made himself available to either voice his opinion to the referee or one of our players. You can almost certainly guess his name.

If I had said Saturday morning one of our players was goiing to let himself down badly and gave you a free £5 bet how many of you would have bet on him.

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Yes he cheated.

Have a look through numerous other sports over the past few months and he is not alone.

As soon as money is involved it is going to happen (and it happens in amateur sports as well).

Any criticism heading his way, from us, over a short period of time is deserved. However I hope were not still talking about this in October.

ps I didn't realise a certain person who played for Derby was so mobile. After just about every decision against us he made himself available to either voice his opinion to the referee or one of our players. You can almost certainly guess his name.

If I had said Saturday morning one of our players was goiing to let himself down badly and gave you a free £5 bet how many of you would have bet on him.

Would you have let me put the fiver on Jamie McCombe and Lee Johnson?

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Love it, especially the last paragraph

"Mccombe, who will miss Tuesday's match at Ashton Gate against Blackpool through suspension, should be available for the weekend game against Newcastle, and is also thought to be considering a role in panto this Christmas at the Bristol Hippodrome, playing a beanstalk that falls down after someone barely touches it."


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