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Miss Costa Rica


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Looks like a ladyboy

This forum is going down hill rapidly, not content with slagging off the latest player to be the scap goat or to be totally up to date that players dad, we have now reduced to deframatary comments about a new player wife / girlfriend.

Hope he does have the good taste to not read the forum or the mods see sense and remove the thread.

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True. There were several much nicer pictures of her on here a few weeks ago, Boadle has done her a disservice by dredging up this comparative duffer.

Ha ha! Sorry, it was the only one I could find when I typed in 'Saborio's girlfriend'. Yes, I was bored.

What's her name, and can anyone provide some better pictures?

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Mods, if this thread is deemed to be slanderous, impertinent, insolent, invidious, irritating, nauseating, objectionable, revolting, shocking, uncivil, unmannerly, discourteous, abusive, biting, detestable, evil, foul, gross, odious, offending, repellent, inappropriate, off-colour, ribald, abhorrent, horrid, annoying, cutting, obnoxious, disagreeable, reprehensible, horrible, rude, opprobrious, repulsive, hideous, repugnant, ghastly or distasteful, please feel free to delete it.

Just thought it might bring a bit of light relief.

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