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New Christian Ribeiro Blog


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A new sports blogging website which aims to follow a number of young professional athletes and sportspeople from around the world has been launched this weekend, and Christian has kindly agreed to get involved.

Over the coming months, in his blog, Christian will be talking about his successes and failures, triumphs and near misses and everything going on in the world of Christian Ribeiro. In his first blog, he talks about his call up for Wales and how it was daunting turning up at his first training session with the full squad without even a Championship appearance under his belt.

Visit thetalkofsport.com - or Click Here to read Christian's blog.

Feel free to join the mailing list where you will receive updates when one of the athletes produces a new entry, and perhaps even send in a question.

They're an enthusiastic and articulate bunch of guys and - I think - it's well worth the read.

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Excellent site, very well written. The other blogs are worth a read too, though I must admit to not really knowing who any of them are.

I do enjoy the interviews with Christian because he seems like a very positive and intelligent young chap. It's quite refreshing compared to the usual footballer clichés you get from most of them.

I hope he gets a league start for City soon. Whilst he seems to have his head screwed on the right way there's surely a risk that he'll start to wonder how he can be a full international and yet not be able to get a start. Personally I'd rather have him out there making mistakes and learning from them than have McCombe making mistakes and not improving.

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Excellent site, very well written. The other blogs are worth a read too, though I must admit to not really knowing who any of them are.

I do enjoy the interviews with Christian because he seems like a very positive and intelligent young chap. It's quite refreshing compared to the usual footballer clichés you get from most of them.

I hope he gets a league start for City soon. Whilst he seems to have his head screwed on the right way there's surely a risk that he'll start to wonder how he can be a full international and yet not be able to get a start. Personally I'd rather have him out there making mistakes and learning from them than have McCombe making mistakes and not improving.

Christian is easily the world's most enthusiastic footballer. He's a breath of fresh air.

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