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One Spare Ticket In The Newcastle End

Kingswood Red Army

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Hi there

(now i know member "Them and Us" no longer needs the ticket)

A person I know, called Simon, still has one ticket available, in the Newcastle end. Cost price at £25.

He told me he was happy for me to post his e mail address on here.

Hence if you would like this ticket feel free to contact him directy.

His e mail address is :-




I am going to the game also, and am sharing a lift with a chap called Mike, in his people carrier.

There is still room in his vehicle, and all he wants, in regards to cost, is splitting the petrol costs between all passengers. Hence the more the merrier.

HENCE IF YOU NEED THE TICKET AND A LIFT / OR JUST A LIFT - read the following deails :-

He plans to leave Patchway at 630am on Sat morning, stop off for breakie, park up and get Metro in to Newcastle town center, have a few beers, and watch the game.

Come straight back, and maybe stop for some grub on the way home too.

If you are interested in the lift (with or without the ticket) please contact me on "kevinjonesbristol@hotmail.com" or post your interest on this post. I can then forward onto you his mobile number.

Enjoy the game


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