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No Support From The Sags

Barrs Court Red

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No suprises there then, jealousy, envy? Either way they are just cutting there noses off to spite there faces. I can honestly say if it meant the actual football World Cup coming to Bristol on the strength of them having a new stadium built, just as a fan of football i would be right behind it, even more so as a Bristolian.

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Is the support of the local milkman strictly necessary to the bid? :innocent06:

It'll be a chance to use up all those milk crates and finally build their new ground.

But I think the Rover's dont seem to realise what a chance they have to show off their new stadium because teams require training facilities and with Swindon jumping on board (they are using it as a platform to redevolp the county ground) even if you only get the chance to see Brazil, Italy or Argentina train on your pitch it's great for the City, and the west country on the whole.

And we may finally get an arena out of this too :fingerscrossed:

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I expect dear Mr Dunsford is a little unhappy with Bristol City Council at the moment. His Friends at South Glos's Filton College wanted plannig permission for a "Regional Construction College" to be built on land belonging to "The Beeches" in Broomhill but despite the planning officer recommending the applications approval the plannig committee refused it. Of course this upset dear GD because he was going to lease the college the land and make a fine profit on it. So it's a case of "If I can't use green belt land then no one can"

Geoff Dunford and the blue few need to remember it's about the bigger picture for Bristol and the income it will generate not just in that summer but for a good while after the World Cup has finished.

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