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We'll All Be On The Dole Soon The Way Things Are Going !

Mr Mosquito

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UK is forked and it will get much much worse.. A lot of the jobs being done there will soon be done overseas, ie India, South East Asia, they have been for the past 10 yrs.

No manufacturing to speak of, what is it the UK people do these days that cant be done for a fraction of the cost elsewhere?

Can't say i miss living in the UK, in fact i'm glad to be out, living in Asia makes you realize how pathetic the government has made the UK. Its just a refuge for migrants from Africa and war torn failed country's because we are too limp wristed to control our laws thanks to human rights we treasure so much, well human rights has messed up the UK beyond belief. Its now an oppressive Grey expensive negative cold moody 5h1thole, get out while you can!

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UK is forked and it will get much much worse.. A lot of the jobs being done there will soon be done overseas, ie India, South East Asia, they have been for the past 10 yrs.

No manufacturing to speak of, what is it the UK people do these days that cant be done for a fraction of the cost elsewhere?

Can't say i miss living in the UK, in fact i'm glad to be out, living in Asia makes you realize how pathetic the government has made the UK. Its just a refuge for migrants from Africa and war torn failed country's because we are too limp wristed to control our laws thanks to human rights we treasure so much, well human rights has messed up the UK beyond belief. Its now an oppressive Grey expensive negative cold moody 5h1thole, get out while you can!

Sadly you're right. I understand that some of Rolls Royces Filton production has been moved to East Germany and Frys of Keynesham are to be relocated to Poland. That's two big local loss of manufacturing jobs that I can think of.

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UK is forked and it will get much much worse.. A lot of the jobs being done there will soon be done overseas, ie India, South East Asia, they have been for the past 10 yrs.

No manufacturing to speak of, what is it the UK people do these days that cant be done for a fraction of the cost elsewhere?

Can't say i miss living in the UK, in fact i'm glad to be out, living in Asia makes you realize how pathetic the government has made the UK. Its just a refuge for migrants from Africa and war torn failed country's because we are too limp wristed to control our laws thanks to human rights we treasure so much, well human rights has messed up the UK beyond belief. Its now an oppressive Grey expensive negative cold moody 5h1thole, get out while you can!

Damnation !!!! I can't find the article now but I believe it went something like this:

The UK has been in decline all of my life. Industry, science, technology, nearly all gone. Crime, drugs, teenage pregnancy sky high. Education, healthcare, and quality of life - we have slipped down every league table there is. The UK has laid down sick but for the time being has not yet died, but it soon will. Soon it will be just another dead beat third world country with overwhelming corruption and crime and not be worth anything at all. A Northern South Africa but with terrorism and very little sunshine.

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I was thinking about this on the way home today noticing the number of foreign students. Apparently they underpin our education system with over £1.5bn in fees being paid alone.

We have a trade surplus on our service industry of about £4bn. Although we have a trade surplus of £6bn on goods.

It's getting a lot more expensive to make things abroad, soon companies will be bringing back their call centres to save them money!!!

I think it's time we all take responsibility for the position we are in. It's our own greed that drives the bonus culture and continual need for returns.

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UK is forked and it will get much much worse.. A lot of the jobs being done there will soon be done overseas, ie India, South East Asia, they have been for the past 10 yrs.

No manufacturing to speak of, what is it the UK people do these days that cant be done for a fraction of the cost elsewhere?

Can't say i miss living in the UK, in fact i'm glad to be out, living in Asia makes you realize how pathetic the government has made the UK. Its just a refuge for migrants from Africa and war torn failed country's because we are too limp wristed to control our laws thanks to human rights we treasure so much, well human rights has messed up the UK beyond belief. Its now an oppressive Grey expensive negative cold moody 5h1thole, get out while you can!

Makes me laugh when UK residents emigrate then complain that there are too many immigrants in the UK.

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There's a lot of bankers in the Bahamas.

I'd go to Cuba or France.

Cuba currently has extremely strict immigration and emigration controls but you could live there as a tourist. I notice the French are OK - in most places - so long as you're prepared to speak French to them.

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Sadly you're right. I understand that some of Rolls Royces Filton production has been moved to East Germany and Frys of Keynesham are to be relocated to Poland. That's two big local loss of manufacturing jobs that I can think of.

bit about the engines is probably true. RR own a factory at Dessau, state of the art after the Germans liberated it from the Reds. RR brought it when it was privatised. Pratt & Whitney brought a similar factory in Eastern Poland. GEC have one too

It'll close within 10 years. Europe, the US, Canada, and Japan are all forked. Far to expensive to produce anything over here, too high wages, too many social costs, too much tax, too much political correctness, too much Helf and Safety, far too many reasons to move production to the Far East. growth markets are China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, S Korea, Taiwan: low wages, low tax, little regulation, little social responsibility, little effort to maximise profits, and NO political correctness. Brazil, Argentina and SA may follow (If corruption doesn't destroy them first- China owns most of Africa, already, one way or other already)

Better get used to it. The losers wanna come here cos they get money for nothing. Your Socialist buddies wont do any thing to curb it. aint done nowt in the last 10 years. Zimbabweans cant claim asylum but Chinese and Indians can. WTF???

ANYONE with any sense will get the hell out. Those who cant, well it aint gonna get any better....

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Makes me laugh when UK residents emigrate then complain that there are too many immigrants in the UK.

Heh, the irony is not lost on me. But in defence of myself i have not gone to another country to become a parasite to their tax payer. The whole reason i have left the UK is because I cant afford to live there anymore, working my ass to the bone, only to have half of it taxed and have bugger all left after rent, heating food etc... and the government is a full blown joke. You think im gonna stay in the UK and pay for the banks problems for the rest of my life? dream on. I have but one life to live and i intend to live it best I can, contributing to a society that needs and appreciates me. It upsets me they way the UK has gone, but im not gonna pay for other peoples greed and mistakes, far from it.

its a shame the UK thinks so little of its people like me, but its their loss now, my education and background is badly needed in developing coutrys and although they cannot pay me the same wages i get in the UK, by Gods holy ball sack my standard of living is next to an MPs in the UK!!its a no brainier, my only concern is i didn't move away sooner.

Im sure working abroad is not for everyone, I do miss aspect of the UK a lot and for most people the UK is far better than moving away, each to their own. Just dont put me in the same bracket as the uneducated, piss poor low life dead beats that have infiltrated Britain's shores thankyou :innocent06:

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Your Socialist buddies wont do any thing to curb it.

I agree with you on most points but Socialist buddies?? How are the Labour Party leadership that run this country Socialist and how are they my buddies ????!!! Most of them are lawyers and college lecturers with a taste for expensive living and they seem to have a real hatred for British working class values and traditions.

I also note that the Labour Party have spent £millions on upgrading all the court houses in this land so their legal buddies have a better work environment while they fleece us with fines for petty misdemeanors. The prison population has also almost doubled in the last twelve years under Labour. Bleedin 'ell they do the Tories proud with what they've done.

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Heh, the irony is not lost on me. But in defence of myself i have not gone to another country to become a parasite to their tax payer. The whole reason i have left the UK is because I cant afford to live there anymore, working my ass to the bone, only to have half of it taxed and have bugger all left after rent, heating food etc... and the government is a full blown joke. You think im gonna stay in the UK and pay for the banks problems for the rest of my life? dream on. I have but one life to live and i intend to live it best I can, contributing to a society that needs and appreciates me. It upsets me they way the UK has gone, but im not gonna pay for other peoples greed and mistakes, far from it.

its a shame the UK thinks so little of its people like me, but its their loss now, my education and background is badly needed in developing coutrys and although they cannot pay me the same wages i get in the UK, by Gods holy ball sack my standard of living is next to an MPs in the UK!!its a no brainier, my only concern is i didn't move away sooner.

Im sure working abroad is not for everyone, I do miss aspect of the UK a lot and for most people the UK is far better than moving away, each to their own. Just dont put me in the same bracket as the uneducated, piss poor low life dead beats that have infiltrated Britain's shores thankyou :innocent06:

Wouldn't dream of it, you're a City fan for starters, would point out that most countries have an underclass though.

Multiculturalism is one thing that I love about the UK, if only there weren't so many who wish to spoil it.

Incidentally what country have you moved to ?

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ANYONE with any sense will get the hell out. Those who cant, well it aint gonna get any better....

Employment prospects certainly do not look good for the UK. Not a rant from me but an excerpt from a rant from the 'HRM Guide' article on UK unemployment.......

"Jobless rate up again, pay rates down again - welcome to the economic recovery. These figures show that the economic indicators that matter most to people will get a lot worse before they even start to get better. And with a 'jobs-light' recovery on the cards it will be several years at best before a return to anything like pre-recession levels of prosperity.

The latest labour market figures confirm that the biggest losers from the recession in employment terms have been men, full-time employees, people at both ends of the age spectrum, skilled blue collar workers and unskilled workers, UK born workers, and private sector workers. Middle ranking private sector employees, especially those lucky enough to keep hold of their jobs in manufacturing, have in most cases also suffered significant loss of hours and earnings."

Source: http://www.hrmguide.co.uk/jobmarket/unemployment.htm

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Wouldn't dream of it, you're a City fan for starters, would point out that most countries have an underclass though.

Multiculturalism is one thing that I love about the UK, if only there weren't so many who wish to spoil it.

Incidentally what country have you moved to ?

Yeah, dont get me wrong I love the UK dearly, its my home and allways will be. but you are right, sometimes we can be too tolerant.

I understand why people wish to enter the UK for a better life, in their shoes i would do exactly the same. Free house, free healthcare, free money, freeDOM, but at what cost to the existing people?

we cant simply let every tom dick and harry in, I know most of them probably wish to do their bit and be productive good people, but sadly thats not the case as is all to evident. Hell, like you say every country has an underclass and the UK has a massive one. Long term unemployed who are better off staying that way than working, why would you work 40 hrs a week in a shitty job when you can get benifits and free housing and all the other benifits not working at all? After you work 40hrs min wage and pay off your bills and what not your about the same off, albeit 40 hrs to the good to do with how you please!

Thats what i like about Asia, if you dont work, you die, its simple. this makes this place much more unified and family orientated, everyone helps out each other, everyone works to some degree, even if its selling fruit at side of road at age 87 with no legs, they do just enough to survive, they are accountable for themselves. We've got it good in the UK, too good and its gonna catch up with us sooner or later, we cant afford our lifestyles anymore, we are a poor country actually, we dont export.

My new definition of a rich country is one that exports food, becuase when the 5h1t hits the fans and it will soon trust me, those countrys will still be able to eat, the UK will not. So we may look down our noses at places like Thailand and call it third world, but i consider them one of the richest in the world, they eat like kings every day for virtually nothing. Our flash cars, banks, property and morla standards on human rights will not feed you, and do you think other contrys will come to our rescue? think again.

I'm based in Bangkok atm, but most likley Manila in the new year.

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