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It Will Cost Us.....


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Who gives a toss about the Janners or green army!!! We need to bury these teams and gain the the three points we deserve for our football.

Not the best performance today, the international break maybe came at the wrong time, but I will be looking for three points against the team from Cornwall Tuesday!

GJ asks for goals, we ain't getting them. Lets start Tuesday with a good score line.


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The worrying thing about the lack lustre performances is that Steve Lansdown has sanctioned the biggest wage bill in the Clubs history and if a promotion challenge isn't made this season then there will have to be cuts in playing staff and then there will be a struggle for us to stay at this level. The boring and predictable football has carried on from last year even though we're supposed to have a great squad. 3000+ supporters have gone missing and this must be a major concern for Mr Lansdown. It might help to play the best players in their best positions, use the full width of the pitch and if and when the team take the lead (especially at home) instead of sitting on it and inviting the opposition on to you, have a bit of courage and go for more goals, that might just attract the missing fans back.

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