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The Eu Is Going To Give The Sudetenland Back To The Germans?

Mr Mosquito

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:noexpression: I've heard it all now, Tony Blair to be first emporer of the European Union and the Germans to be given the Czech Sudetenland. I couldn't make this up if I tried, see the UKIP video link below. Why hasn't this been reported on our News???......

The good old UKIP, the resting place of many failed and disgraced ex Tory MP's, Lord Toffs, hyphens and double barrels.

Jonathon Aitken ex jailbird.

Buster Mottram, ex British no 1 tennis player and still member of the BNP.

To name but two and you want to vote for them.

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The good old UKIP, the resting place of many failed and disgraced ex Tory MP's, Lord Toffs, hyphens and double barrels.

Jonathon Aitken ex jailbird.

Buster Mottram, ex British no 1 tennis player and still member of the BNP.

To name but two and you want to vote for them.

As a matter of considerable interest - who will you be voting for? :icecream:

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As a matter of considerable interest - who will you be voting for? :icecream:

Well there's a question gobber's, i'll probably decide nearer the date and keep it to myself, to save myself from ridicule. Certainly not the UKIP home for failed and shamed Tory mp's, Tory peers, Toffs and racists.

To be honest, I really believe that the days of supporting a particular party are long gone, they never do our bidding anymore, I believe now in the individual, what are you actually going to do for me and the area I live in and then bring them to account when they fail to do so, I like the thought of an unambitious constituency MP, who actually live and were brought up in the area they represent and know local people and actually work for that constituency and vote with that constituency in mind and not party line, somebody like Diane Abbott a seemingly a honest politician in a dishonest party.

I was unfortunate enough to have visit my then local MP Liam Pox on a very important matter and I found him rude, ignorant, uninterested and chewing gum all the way through the meeting and looking as though he wanted to be elsewhere and to boot about as much use on the matter as a chocolate fireguard.

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Well there's a question gobber's, i'll probably decide nearer the date and keep it to myself, to save myself from ridicule.

Nigel Farage - is - without doubt my favourite politician at the moment. Nigel Farage is a legend for the way he stands up in the European Union Parliament and tells everyone what a shit organisation it is. Not just me but many voters in the South West must think the same way because UKIP finished second behind the Tories for votes cast in the South West region Euro elections recently. For a political party to do that after only a few years in existence is an awesome achievement. At the same time, the EU loving anti working man Labour Party finished 4th in the South West.

Back to topic, the Sudetenland belongs to the Czech Republic not the Germans. Not until Hitler got his hands on it in 1938 did it become German governed. I always suspected that the Germans will use the European Union as a vehicle to govern Europe against the wishes of the smaller European states.

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Nigel Farage - is - without doubt my favourite politician at the moment

Your favourite politician is one who is completely and utterly corrupt and has screwed the taxpayer out of millions - more than any of the MPs highlighted in the expenses scandal by far?

How massively hypocritical!

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Your favourite politician is one who is completely and utterly corrupt and has screwed the taxpayer out of millions - more than any of the MPs highlighted in the expenses scandal by far?

How massively hypocritical!

Where are the facts? How is Nigel Farage 'completely and utterly corrupt and has screwed the taxpayer out of millions?' You must verify what you write. I've not heard or read anywhere what you allege. At the same time the House of Commons and House of Lords is completely corrupt because it's packed with self serving Lib-Lab-Con politicians - this fact has been widely reported over the last 6 months on TV and in the general media.

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Nigel Farage - is - without doubt my favourite politician at the moment. Nigel Farage is a legend for the way he stands up in the European Union Parliament and tells everyone what a shit organisation it is. Not just me but many voters in the South West must think the same way because UKIP finished second behind the Tories for votes cast in the South West region Euro elections recently. For a political party to do that after only a few years in existence is an awesome achievement. At the same time, the EU loving anti working man Labour Party finished 4th in the South West.

Back to topic, the Sudetenland belongs to the Czech Republic not the Germans. Not until Hitler got his hands on it in 1938 did it become German governed. I always suspected that the Germans will use the European Union as a vehicle to govern Europe against the wishes of the smaller European states.

Yes a paragon of virtue 2 million pounds of expenses claimed in 2 years, nice work if you can get it.

i've trying to come up with a better name to fully represent UKIP as it actually is i've got 2 which do you favour.

1) UKIPFART = United Kingdom Independence Party For Absurd Redundant Tories

2) UKIPSHIT = United Kingdom Independence Party Subhuman Hypocrits Including Tories

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Yes a paragon of virtue 2 million pounds of expenses claimed in 2 years, nice work if you can get it.

i've trying to come up with a better name to fully represent UKIP as it actually is i've got 2 which do you favour.

1) UKIPFART = United Kingdom Independence Party For Absurd Redundant Tories

2) UKIPSHIT = United Kingdom Independence Party Subhuman Hypocrits Including Tories

:winner_third_h4h: Being a tax paying patriot I'll vote UKIP in the hope that they can get us free from that vile and illegal organisation that is the European Union. If we can get out we'll be saving £50 million PER DAY in membership fees.

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Where are the facts? How is Nigel Farage 'completely and utterly corrupt and has screwed the taxpayer out of millions?' You must verify what you write. I've not heard or read anywhere what you allege. At the same time the House of Commons and House of Lords is completely corrupt because it's packed with self serving Lib-Lab-Con politicians - this fact has been widely reported over the last 6 months on TV and in the general media.


Note the quote from the corrupt scumbag himself. £2m of taxpayers money.

Does that satisfactorily verify your status as a confirmed hypocrite?

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Note the quote from the corrupt scumbag himself. £2m of taxpayers money.

Does that satisfactorily verify your status as a confirmed hypocrite?

:winner_third_h4h: Do you think I'm Nigel Farage or something? :dancing6: How am I a confirmed hypocrite? :rolleyes: In fact, for £2 million over 10 years in expenses I'm going to have to apply to be a UKIP MEP - I could do a far better job than anyone in slagging off the European Union. :icecream:

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This is very revealing about good old UKIP, Lovely bunch, Why not invite them to the next home match.

UKIP’s political character is demonstrated not just by its recruits but by its friends in the European Parliament, where it is part of a euro-sceptic alliance which includes the League of Polish Families, a Christian fundamentalist, anti-semitic organisation that attacks the EU as a plot by freemasonry against Christianity. One of its leading figures is historian Ryszard Bender of the Catholic University of Lublin, who has described Auschwitz as "not a death camp, but a labour camp. Jews, Gypsies and others were killed by hard labour, not always that hard and not always killed".

UKIP is not without its own Holocaust deniers. In 2001 the party’s then Scottish organiser Alistair McConnachie wrote to the press supporting the views of right-wing historian David Irving and criticising the Board of Deputies of British Jews for exercising undue influence over the media on this issue. In an email to another UKIP member, McConnachie wrote: "I don’t accept that gas chambers were used to execute Jews for the simple fact there is no direct physical evidence to show that such gas chambers ever existed.... there are no photographs or film of execution gas chambers.... Alleged eyewitness accounts are revealed as false or highly exaggerated." The UKIP leadership publicly defended McConnachie’s right to free speech and restricted itself to suspending him from the executive for a year.

In light of all this, it is not surprising to find that some of UKIP’s leading members have past links with the far right. Two of its MEPs, Mike Nattrass and Jeffrey Titford, were formerly members of the New Britain Party, a pro-Apartheid, pro-White Rhodesia outfit whose leader Dennis Delderfield is on record as arguing that "suburb after suburb and town after town across the land have been taken over by Asians, Africans and Afro-Caribbeans.... In the not too distant future they will have direct control in many areas". Nattrass, who stood as a candidate for Delderfield’s party in the 1994 Dudley by-election, has explained his change of political allegiance on the grounds that "UKIP is electable and New Britain isn’t".

Another MEP, Nigel Farage, held discussions in 1997 with the British National Party’s Mark Deavin, a former student of UKIP founder Alan Sked. Deavin was the author of a document entitled `The Grand Plan: The Origins of Non-White Immigration’, which argued that "the mass immigration of non-Europeans into every White country on earth" had been engineered by "a homogeneous transatlantic political and financial elite to destroy the national identities and create a raceless new world order". The plan was, Deavin wrote, "Jewish in origin". Farage wouldn’t have felt entirely out of place in such company. Sked, who left the party in 1997, in part because he believed it was being taken over by "extremists", has recalled an argument with Farage over the inclusion of a statement on the party’s membership form opposing discrimination against minorities. "We will never win the *Racist Term Removed vote", Farage told him. "The nig-nogs will never vote for us."

Concerning links with the British National Party, Sked has noted that, despite the UKIP leadership’s public condemnation of the BNP, there is in fact "a symbiosis between elements of the parties". Indeed, in the summer of 2003 the UKIP and BNP held negotiations over an electoral agreement under which they would avoid competing for the anti-EU vote in their respective strongholds. While no official agreement was reached, Sked observes that BNP leader Nick Griffin has spoken on the BBC of "an informal pact between his party and elements of the UKIP leadership". Although the fascists have won suburban council seats and Frank Maloney’s London mayoral campaign was clearly intended to attract a backward white working class vote, the basic division of labour is, as Deavin explained back in 1997, that "the BNP will be the official opposition in the inner cities, in working class areas. The UKIP will be the opposition in the shires, the county areas, the middle class opposition".

Although the parties are political rivals, and the UKIP leadership has in the past expelled BNP entrists, there is an evident overlap between the two organisations. Peter Troy, who headed UKIP’s list for the European elections in Scotland, had previously stood down from the same position in the North East amid a row over his recruitment of a BNP activist to UKIP. And the Britain in Europe organisation identified nine candidates standing for the BNP in the European elections who were former UKIP members. In response UKIP’s leader, former Tory MP Roger Knapman, insisted that his party had no connection with the BNP and that "we abhor racism", assertions that caused much mirth on a fascist internet discussion list. "His nose must be a foot long by now", one post read.

The UKIP’s prejudices extend beyond ethnic minorities to gays. In an article in the New Statesman describing his experiences in the party, former UKIP member and co-author of its 2001 general election manifesto Aidan Rankin wrote: "Homophobia was one of the few forces uniting a notoriously divided party. To its brownshirt-in-blazer tendency, the dangers of Europe and the dangers of homosexuality were intertwined." Indeed, Damian Hockney, now one of UKIP’s London Assembly members, stood against Michael Portillo in the 1999 Kensington & Chelsea by-election under the slogan "It takes a real man to defend the £", thus neatly combining anti-gay prejudice with opposition to the euro. During his mayoral campaign Frank Maloney attacked London’s Pride festival, declaring that he had "a problem with gay parades. I object to seeing policemen in uniform holding hands in public – it’s not a family way of life and we should support the family more". He followed this up with the remark that he didn’t intend to visit the north London borough of Camden because there were "too many gays" there.

Not surprisingly, UKIP is not exactly a fervent supporter of feminism, either. Godfrey Bloom, UKIP MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, who was selected to represent his party on the European Parliament’s women’s rights committee, proceeded to argue that "no self-respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age", adding that women should get back to the kitchen and learn to "clean behind the fridge". Even the Daily Telegraph commented that Bloom’s outburst gave UKIP "a misogynistic image that it will have difficulty shaking off". The party leadership, however, refused to condemn Bloom’s views, claiming that he was merely trying to highlight the cost of maternity pay for small firms.

During the June elections anti-racists rightly concentrated on preventing the BNP from winning seats, but it would be a mistake to underestimate the threat posed by UKIP. In contrast to the BNP, whose fascist origins have proved a heavy electoral liability, UKIP’s more "mainstream" racism is capable of winning much wider support. If an extreme right-wing party with a broad popular base is to emerge in Britain, it is likely to take this form.

Whether UKIP can make any further advances in building such a party is debateable, given its tendency to tear itself apart by political infighting, currently demonstrated by Kilroy-Silk’s bid for the party leadership and his consequent expulsion from UKIP’s European parliamentary group. This came too late to prevent the resignation of Frank Maloney, who complained that the party had been "hijacked by a sun-tanned parasite". Paul Sykes has left too, in protest at the decision to stand against Tory eurosceptics in the general election, taking his money with him.

One thing is certain, though – UKIP’s brand of europhobia has absolutely nothing in common with the left’s criticisms of the EU or indeed with any kind of progressive politics whatsoever.

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This is very revealing about good old UKIP, Lovely bunch, Why not invite them to the next home match.

So, if I declared that I'd be voting for Arthur Scargill's Socialist labour Party - who are also rabidly anti EU - what dirt would you dig up against them? Anyway, you often accuse me of going 'off topic' and this thread is supposed to be about discussing the EU giving the Sudetenland back to the Germans. :whistle2: Perhaps you'd better copy paste something about the appeasement of Hitler over the Czech question in 1938.

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:winner_third_h4h: Do you think I'm Nigel Farage or something? :dancing6:How am I a confirmed hypocrite? :rolleyes: In fact, for £2 million over 10 years in expenses I'm going to have to apply to be a UKIP MEP - I could do a far better job than anyone in slagging off the European Union. :icecream:

Because you rant rave and rail about corruption yet your favourite politician is the most corrupt of all, you ignore his common thievery because you happen to agree with his view on Europe.

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Because you rant rave and rail about corruption yet your favourite politician is the most corrupt of all, you ignore his common thievery because you happen to agree with his view on Europe.

A bit of commonality does help and I'd also like to get my mits in the European Union till. :dancing6: I want my share. :dancing6:

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Oh come on, UKIP are doing so well because they're anti European Union and provide a voice for people that are sick of the European Union. I was thinking of voting for Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party but I thought UKIP had more chance of success so I voted for them. I was proved right as UKIP polled the second highest number of votes in the South West after the Tories who came an easy first by offering nothing more than being an alternative to Labour in Europe.

Ah I get it now you want to support a winning team..............

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Ah I get it now you want to support a winning team..............

Don't we all? Except, win or lose I always support Bristol City FC. :winner_third_h4h:

Anway back to the EU Sudetenland topic....it's 1938 and Germany is given the Sudetenland by France and Britain at a meeting in Munich......

Winston Churchill, denouncing the Agreement in the House of Commons:

"We have suffered a total and unmitigated defeat...you will find that in a period of time which may be measured by years, but may be measured by months, Czechoslovakia will be engulfed in the *unacceptable word* régime. We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude...we have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road...we have passed an awful milestone in our history, when the whole equilibrium of Europe has been deranged, and that the terrible words have for the time being been pronounced against the Western democracies: "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting". And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.

Leading to: Adolf Hitler, in his speech to his generals on 22 August 1939, a week before the invasion of Poland:

"The enemy did not expect my great determination. Our enemies are little worms, I saw them at Munich.........Now Poland is in the position I wanted........I am only afraid that some bastard will present me with a mediation plan at the last moment."

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A bit of commonality does help and I'd also like to get my mits in the European Union till. :dancing6: I want my share. :dancing6:

That's our money, not his. Reasonable expenses fine, but he's taking the piss.

Interestingly of course, Nigel Farage was educated at top public school Dulwich College. Strange you never mention that when talking about toffs and snobs in other parties.

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That's our money, not his. Reasonable expenses fine, but he's taking the piss.

Interestingly of course, Nigel Farage was educated at top public school Dulwich College. Strange you never mention that when talking about toffs and snobs in other parties.

You've mentioned it for me. :dancing6: Remember, Nigel Farage's UKIP are taking massive amounts of votes from the Tories just as Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party will be taking votes from Labour and that's good for democracy in the UK. Both parties have fantastic anti European Union credentials. I've worked out that our Government have taken About £5,000 of my own taxes over the years to finance their beloved and illegal EU membership - everyone my age - that doesn't agree with the EU membership - should have this money returned by the EU. Better in my bank account than in EU coffers. :dancing6:

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Strange thing is, if you actually look at the history, beliefs and political affiliations of your beloved UKIP then they would have supported Hitler in this matter and of course the later aims of *unacceptable word* Germany.

Though one thing is for sure, once Britain realised that gutless politicians had sold europe down the river and called for somebody who you quote a lot the great Sir Winston Churchill to extricate us from the mire, he would have rounded up all of the rag tag UKIP members and banged them all up.

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Strange thing is, if you actually look at the history, beliefs and political affiliations of your beloved UKIP then they would have supported Hitler in this matter and of course the later aims of *unacceptable word* Germany.

Though one thing is for sure, once Britain realised that gutless politicians had sold europe down the river and called for somebody who you quote a lot the great Sir Winston Churchill to extricate us from the mire, he would have rounded up all of the rag tag UKIP members and banged them all up.

You really are muddled, Adolf Hitler was a European Unionist in wanting a united Europe run by Germany. To achieve his European Union vision Hitler used the military power of Germany. Hitler ultimately failed because Britain then Russia and the USA stood against him.

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You really are muddled, Adolf Hitler was a European Unionist in wanting a united Europe run by Germany. To achieve his European Union vision Hitler used the military power of Germany. Hitler ultimately failed because Britain then Russia and the USA stood against him.

Hitler was a *unacceptable word*, who persecuted jews, gypsies and homosexuals and other minorities, UKIP have tried to get into bed with BNP and a lot of BNP members are also UKIP members, you work it out.

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Never mind the Sudetenland, I wonder if Tony Blair will promise Spain Gibralter, if they back his asscention to supreme Fuherr of the EU? As it stand the Spanish want someone else.

At the same time, Gordon "backtrack" Brown sells the Falklands to Argentina to pay off the losses incured in Northern Rock.

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Never mind the Sudetenland, I wonder if Tony Blair will promise Spain Gibralter, if they back his asscention to supreme Fuherr of the EU? As it stand the Spanish want someone else.

At the same time, Gordon "backtrack" Brown sells the Falklands to Argentina to pay off the losses incured in Northern Rock.

of course all union sponsored.

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Never mind the Sudetenland, I wonder if Tony Blair will promise Spain Gibralter, if they back his asscention to supreme Fuherr of the EU? As it stand the Spanish want someone else.

At the same time, Gordon "backtrack" Brown sells the Falklands to Argentina to pay off the losses incured in Northern Rock.

I bet Esmond Million's Bung will be supporting Emperor/Fuhrer Blair all the way on giving Gibraltar to the Spanish. :icecream:

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