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How Far Will He Go


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Just how far will Gary Johnson's obsession with picking Lee Johnson go.It is hard to know what is sadder Lee Johnson's attempts at being a Championship player or Gary Johnson for insulting the other players and the supporters by picking a team that has to feature his son.He will lose players over it and also supporters.It really does call in to question Gary Johnson's credibility and judgement.

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Put those tin hats on immediately? GJ's storm troopers are already beating a path to your front door as we speak.

As a punishment for even questioning the Great One you must recite loudly the new Ashton mantra - Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil!!!!!

Is that an air raid siren I hear going off over BS3

And no I am not the ONE who tried to have an intelligent conversation with our leader about the finer points of 4-4-2 versus 3-5-2 or whatever shambles formation we were playing in todays first half

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