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Good Luck Marie This Evening


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ello all long time lurker on this site , but have been reading it long enough to know that dollymarie is a genuine true fan of our fine club .

dolly get up there girl and give it your all (i am sure you will do a fantastic job)

this is a massive day for our club , i am sure the right out come will come through :englandsmile4wf::winner_third_h4h::fingerscrossed:

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If we're handing out advice the best I can give is:

i) don't drink beforehand (probably too late for saying that!)

ii) talk slowly

iii) pause, pause and pause again. Loooongggggg pauses. Let the words sink in, read the reaction, make them wait on you, for for what you're going to say next.

iv) dress smart

(ii) and (iii) are the hard ones, it's so tempting to gabble through it and fill up every silence.

This is how you do it - clip from The Damned United. If Cloughie was as good as this he deserves all the praise he gets.

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Thankyou everyone for your kind wishes, they mean a lot. I am bricking it to say the least, and I know Miles is too. Fingers crossed we get the right result this evening.

Spose I better get my butt to the council house then!

Just dont let them equalize :P

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Thankyou everyone for your kind wishes, they mean a lot. I am bricking it to say the least, and I know Miles is too. Fingers crossed we get the right result this evening.

Spose I better get my butt to the council house then!

Marie, you and Miles will do us all proud.

Best wishes.


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Marry me Dolls

You're already married, and Mrs BigT would kill me!

Thankyou everyone for your nice words, it really does mean a lot. I was literally shaking reading my piece, but got through it. Hope I did the whole thing justice (and thats not me fishing for compliments, just I am my own worst critic) and now I am off to bed after a very draining (and sometimes painful) evening!

Thankyou again.

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Thankyou everyone for your kind wishes, they mean a lot. I am bricking it to say the least, and I know Miles is too. Fingers crossed we get the right result this evening.

Spose I better get my butt to the council house then!

Well done ! We will all be in your debt for years to come. You deserve a lifetime season ticket. Way to go girl !

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Great job Dolly!

Those presentations were so important and it takes guts to stand up and make a speech in that situation and despite your nerves, you came through it with flying colours. Fantastic job.

The only disappointment last night was we didn't have fans turning up in their thousands on College Green to show the Council just how much we want this club to succeed.

We got what we wanted in the end though, thanks in no small part to you folks on the night.

Many thanks :clap: :clap: :clap:

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