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Is This The Biggest Day In The Clubs History?

Sampson City Reds

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Could today be the biggest day in the history of Bristol City Football Club as we all know that we will find out if the council will give the club planning permission to build the new 30,000 seater stadium in Aston Vale if we our given the green light and the build goes ahead to you reakon that maybe 10 years down the line and we are hopefully playing Premier League football in our state of the art stadium will we look back and think that on the 4th of November 2009 was the biggest day in the hisory of this great Football Club!!

What's all off your thoughts?

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it's a massive day for the club.

in '82 i'm not sure many people would have thought that in 30 years we'd be in this league with plans to be approved for a new 30,000 seater stadium.

It's a massive day to show where we've came from since those dark days.

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It's most certainly one of the biggest days in the clubs history. Tonight could give the whole club the boost it needs to drive the playing side forward also. This could give the club a massive confidence boost.

It's also a day that could mark an exciting beginning but also have a somber impact on all the fans. A new stadium is vital to our future but we should also not forget what we would be living behind.

It will be a very siginficant evening and one that could start a huge part of a defining future for us all.

Here's hoping the council make the correct decision and provide the club and potentially the city an exciting next decade.

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