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Football Cheats - Us, Palace And Henry?

fulham red

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Rgearding this, I know the Palace issue was a good while back, but if memory serves I read a piece from the time itself the other day in which Henry Winter essentially pointed the finger at us.


It seems to be possible to make a journalist degree with a negative IQ.

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Do you think at any point during the campaign that any Irish player didn't own up to doing something? Didn't put their hand up for a throw in they knew wasn't theirs? Didn't creep forward along the touchline or spot the ball in the wrong place?

Nearly all, probably all professional players cheat.

This is just because it's a potentially pivotel moment in a long campaign.

What about the penalty against Georgia that should never have been... that completely changed the game and their qualifying campaign

Roy Keane of all people has made the best comments that i have read regarding this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/i...als/8370327.stm

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My thoughts are here - http://fansonline.net/bristolcity/article.php?id=392.

We simply must bring in video technology, its getting to the point of absurdity now.

It is getting ridiculous and something really does need to be done. To what extent do we use video technology though? This football blogger looks at Premier League referees in particular and says that the only way to counter the cheating is for video technology. He also makes a decent point about the referees being blamed too much. They are only humans, after all.

I do get annoyed when the focus is on Premier League stuff too much as well. Teams lose games because of bad decisons / lack of technology in the lower leagues as well. In fact, it is a nationwide problem.

It seems like if they did bring video evidence in, it would only be to please the likes of Alex Ferguson more than anything else.

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