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mindjuicer, all you've done is avoided the points I've made

You didn't make any points apart from the 'bottler' one you've yet to justify.

I'm no football genius

Respect for that bit at least.

It wasn't me who made this thread about LJ, it was the original poster and yourself

I'm going to assume that you're simply oblivious.

You started attacking LJ in response to Pete claiming the bleeding obvious in that LJ and Skuse weren't judged by the same standards. I asked you to justify that attack and you still haven't.

Here is the problem:

You are unable to leave unanswered anybody expressing some appropriate kudos for LJ or even suggesting he's comparable to another CM. I am fairly unable to to leave unanswered any unjustifiable attacks on any player.

I am learning to let a few slide. I don't like personal attacks on any player, but you'd be doing us all a favour if you can make sure any criticisms of players are justifiable and expressed as if you have some respect for that person.

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Mindjuicer, you simply don't seem able to understand what I've explained to you a number of times so I'm going to have one final go at it.

I don't have an axe to grind with LJ and I don't make personal attacks on him. I've criticised his performances on the pitch not his sense of dress or body odour. I've done so in this thread because Pete1975Legend brought up that he gets more stick than Skuse and he didn't think that was fair so I was explaining why. Several other posters agreed with what I've suggested are the reasons. I've offered a number of examples supporting how the crowd react - and by example how their reactions are consistent with other players we've seen over the years. You've offered precisely nothing to back whatever your point of view actually is.

You think that because I haven't kept a log of the challenges LJ has skipped out of over his time here my view is unjustified? Well that's up to you, I've seen it so often it isn't remarkable and so have others. I'm sure you have a long list of all the crunching challenges he's made,

As I've mentioned to you more than once, if you'd care to look you will find lots of examples of me praising LJ when he's played well and defending him when the criticism was actually unjustified, so please cut out the ridiculous remarks. You'd be doing us all a favour if you made sure your replies were on topic and addressed the points made and didn't take everything so personally.

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