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Us President Election Results

94th Minute

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This chart is derived from taking the Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices of average IQ by state and then simply applying that state's election results from the 2000 presidential election.

State IQ data drawn from a book called "IQ and the Wealth of Nations".

State Avg. IQ 2000 Winner

1 Connecticut 113 Gore

2 Massachusetts 111 Gore

3 New Jersey 111 Gore

4 New York 109 Gore

5 Rhode Island 107 Gore

6 Hawaii 106 Gore

7 Maryland 105 Gore

8 New Hampshire 105 Bush

9 Illinois 104 Gore

10 Delaware 103 Gore

11 Minnesota 102 Gore

12 Vermont 102 Gore

13 Washington 102 Gore

14 California 101 Gore

15 Pennsylvania 101 Gore

16 Maine 100 Gore

17 Virginia 100 Bush

18 Wisconsin 100 Gore

19 Colorado 99 Bush

20 Iowa 99 Gore

21 Michigan 99 Gore

22 Nevada 99 Bush

23 Ohio 99 Bush

24 Oregon 99 Gore

25 Alaska 98 Bush

26 Florida 98 Bush

27 Missouri 98 Bush

28 Kansas 96 Bush

29 Nebraska 95 Bush

30 Arizona 94 Bush

31 Indiana 94 Bush

32 Tennessee 94 Bush

33 North Carolina 93 Bush

34 West Virginia 93 Bush

35 Arkansas 92 Bush

36 Georgia 92 Bush

37 Kentucky 92 Bush

38 New Mexico 92 Bush

39 North Dakota 92 Bush

40 Texas 92 Bush

41 Alabama 90 Bush

42 Louisiana 90 Bush

43 Montana 90 Bush

44 Oklahoma 90 Bush

45 South Dakota 90 Bush

46 South Carolina 89 Bush

47 Wyoming 89 Bush

48 Idaho 87 Bush

49 Utah 87 Bush

50 Mississippi 85 Bush

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That statistic explains alot!!

However one worrying aspect is that it illustrates in a democracy on the whole, individuals with 'lesser intelligence' have a greater influence, and can be much more powerful than those who possess higher levels of intellect.

I'm obviously not questionning the merits of a democracy rather than a dictatorship or communism but is it right to have the 'less informed' among us effectively deciding the path of ours and the worlds future.

An interesting post which will cause less discussion than it should!

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"I'm obviously not questionning the merits of a democracy rather than a dictatorship or communism but is it right to have the 'less informed' among us effectively deciding the path of ours and the worlds future."

it is often said that democracy is a terrible system until you look at the alternatives.

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Bush's IQ is 90, therefore they must feel a kindred pull to that moron. Democracy is fine if it is applied, however there is little democracy in the United States, just look at their foreign policy, just as dictatorial and bullying as Nazi Germany of the 30s. They occupy a foreign country, kill its native population, impose military rule there and appoint puppets to rule the oppressed people there.

Sadly this country is playing the role of fascist Italy by jumping into bed with that monster.

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Democracy is fine if it is applied, however there is little democracy in the United States, just look at their foreign policy, just as dictatorial and bullying as Nazi Germany of the 30s.
foriegn policy shouldn't be democratic.

The US President is head of state and has control over foreign policy. Democratic institutions forcing votes in congress/parliament over such issues are very dangerous as they are slow and unflexible. At times of crisis the head of state constitutionally must be able to take a country to war if they believe it is the correct thing to do so.

The President IS though accountable to the population of the USA who will get the chance to vote him back in or out this year depending on whether they feel he is doing a good job.

HOWEVER, whether the US election are "fair" and democratic is another thing as we all saw from the 2000 fiasco.

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I honestly dont think Bush has a prayer come the election.

Although the majority of Americans initially backed the war in Iraq as it was cast as the next act in the 'war on terror', a continuous succesion of body bags bringring home tragic and unnecessary deaths has taken its toll.

We were told the war was to disarm Sadamm of his chemical and biological weapons program, to this day we have found no significant evidence of either. This has hurt Bush as it was his primary weapon when reasoning why war was justified to the American people.

I cant see how Bush is possibly going to win the election. If he does he has a bloody good campaign team!

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I honestly dont think Bush has a prayer come the election.

Although the majority of Americans initially backed the war in Iraq as it was cast as the next act in the 'war on terror', a continuous succesion of body bags bringring home tragic and unnecessary deaths has taken its toll.

We were told the war was to disarm Sadamm of his chemical and biological weapons program, to this day we have found no significant evidence of either. This has hurt Bush as it was his primary weapon when reasoning why war was justified to the American people.

I cant see how Bush is possibly going to win the election. If he does he has a bloody good campaign team!

I think he stands a very good chance. Kerry has been hitting back on the electoral funds stake but is still so far behind Bush in terms of money and people in power. Bush's administration has been a complete disaster is every way yet he is still very close to Kerry. A sign of his power and the power of the right wing bible belt in the US. Bush panders to the jingoistic, ignorant, religious and homophobic- there are large numbers of them in the US. With a little electioneering he will come home dry. Kerry's best bet is to kill voter apathy and to get the large number of dissenting voices to come out and vote. Opinion polls are one this, but Bush's support will come out to vote, will Kerry's?

For the US, Britain and middle east I hope they do!!

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