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The Incredulous Mr Fox


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I think we all know what to do. If you live in Woodspring vote for whatever party has the best chance of getting this jock idiot out. And if you live anywhere else, think seriously about whether you want to vote Tory at all - seeing as he's said his lot will call in the planning application if they win. If he wants to push his chances up of getting elected then he has to learn there are consequences to pissing the rest of us off.

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The letter goes on to say that the stadium plan "flies in the face of good planning" and "would make a mockery of the Prime Minister's well-publicised promises to protect the green belt".

The same Prime Minister who was on the local news last night saying how good it was that Bristol and the new Ashton Vale Stadium had been choosen.

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I think we all know what to do. If you live in Woodspring vote for whatever party has the best chance of getting this jock idiot out. And if you live anywhere else, think seriously about whether you want to vote Tory at all - seeing as he's said his lot will call in the planning application if they win. If he wants to push his chances up of getting elected then he has to learn there are consequences to pissing the rest of us off.

Unfortunately, Fox has a very safe seat.

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The same Prime Minister who was on the local news last night saying how good it was that Bristol and the new Ashton Vale Stadium had been choosen.

Yeah it was good to hear Gordon Brown speaking positively about our stadium and the world cup in general. Here is a link if anyone wants a quick listen:


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Is Dr Fox not partly responsible for expanding Portishead three fold and diluting the green belt land that once surrounded Sheepway.

Is Dr Fox in favour of the proposed new town which will be between the A38 and his beloved Long Ashton. I assume all this is on green belt land.

Is Dr Fox involved with the expences fiasco. I think so, along with most MPs his honesty and integrity is questionable.

I expect at the end of the day Dr Fox will jump on the bandwagan and welcome all the tourists to North Somerset in 2018.

Oh, was David Lloyd centre and the park and ride once on green belt land and was Dr Fox not part of the government that allowed it to be built.

Dr Fox needs a reality check, Bristol is moving forward and to try and alienate North Somerset from Bristol is ludicrous.

£150M for the economy and he don`t want it.

He wants his friends in Long Ashton to have views of a new town from their windows.

Lastly, how many people in Long Ashton go to Ashton Gate?

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The more enlightened locals down here in North Somerset are starting to realise that "hey, this World Cup thing might actually bring a few quid into our area" and looking at my local rag tonight they were talking about how Councillor Cook almost "ruined" a bid that will bring money into the Clevedon (they seem to think the Hand Stadium will be involved) and particularly Weston Super Mare areas.

I think that this 45m road will p1$$ through North Somerset Planning Committee in January.

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The more enlightened locals down here in North Somerset are starting to realise that "hey, this World Cup thing might actually bring a few quid into our area" and looking at my local rag tonight they were talking about how Councillor Cook almost "ruined" a bid that will bring money into the Clevedon (they seem to think the Hand Stadium will be involved) and particularly Weston Super Mare areas.

Not just the World Cup Greebo but the whole Stadium project is bound to provide enormous benefit to resorts like WSM, Burnham, Clevedon and Portishead as folk from all over look for somewhere to "make a weekend of it" once attracted by a big match or concert.

I think that this 45m road will p1$$ through North Somerset Planning Committee in January.

Don't leave it to chance! ... make sure you and everyone you know locally contact Liam Fox, MP and all the North Somerset councillors via WRITE TO THEM ... let them know it isn't just a parochial football matter but the regional economy that is at stake here

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I think that this 45m road will p1$$ through North Somerset Planning Committee in January.

Sadly, I don't. :disapointed2se:

Sadly Mr Fox does have one of the safest seats in the land. Having said that if the two other main parties did a bit of talking and only put one candidate up they could remove him with a bit of effort.. Nan Kirsten ran him very close 10 years or so ago with a concentrated campaign.

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He's just saying what his core support want to hear, he won't do naff all if they get in power.... which they won't because the next government will be a Lab/Lib coalition. Anyway, notice in the original article that he's quite careful about not saying "I don't want this Stadium in my area" and that he just says he wants it reconsidered without taking account of the South West RSS so as not to propogate further green belt development in the area. This in itself is a common misinterpretation of the RSS and something that could have come straight out of a Daily mail editorial. He knows the stadium is going to happen, he's just trying to position himself against it without actually saying 'Not in My Back Yard'

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I emailed him yesterday because of the stance he has taken over this and this was his response, recieved this morning:

Thank you for your email about Bristol City's planning application. I fully understand the enthusiasm for a new stadium which would have benefits to the wider community, as well as the potential giving Bristol a venue for the World Cup.

The problem relates to the specific site that has been chosen and the fact that it is technically in the Green Belt. As you are no doubt aware, we are having a major battle to stop huge developments being built in the Green Belt around Dundry, Long Ashton and Failand which would have a hugely adverse effect on our local quality of life. We cannot allow any exceptions to the Green belt planning rules to provide a precedent which might make it easier for housing developers.

I entirely appreciate your frustration and that of many others but this issue appears to be caught in the cross fire. If there is a general election and a change of housing policy which will remove the threat to our Green Belt from endless housing estates, then it may well be possible to look at the Bristol City application differently.

Yours sincerely

Dr Liam Fox MP

Shadow Defence Secretary

Seems to me that by saying this he is "carrot dangling", insomuch that if the Gov changes, and as a result the housing policy changes towards green-belt development, then he might be able to support the new stadium.

Hmmm! Now who would trust the words of a politician eh?!!

Thanks for doing that, FR.

In my opinion North Somerset Council will yield, either through choice, or following a City appeal. Its then up to the Secretary of State and if it's the current government's man he would be unlikely to reject a stadium that is integral to the World Cup bid that his party supports.

However, if the decision is made after the next General Election, which some experts are saying could be held in March, then a Tory administration would concern me, despite their assurances of being the party that supports business.

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What Fox is saying is plausible.

The Tories are planning a much-needed shake up of planning & quangos. It might be bluff though unless it was stated at the pre-planning meeting.

Labour by comparison have been taking donations from building companies and pushing through 'bulldozer' laws which remove the public's right to lodge objections.

I don't know what the current state of the law is, nor why Fox is writing to the Secretary of State.

It would be nice to have the truth on my side when I approach Fox on this.

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*yawn* Usual predictable arguments against the stadium. So boring now. :sleeping:

He's just a useless Tory C""" !

you may mock but bottom line is i think he actually has a point. It could set a precedent and whats the point of having a greenbelt if you are just going to build on it.


i suspect that he actually doesnt really have that bigger problem with the stadium, its just he is setting himself and his party up to have a go at Brown if they approve it after browns numerous "protect the greenbelt" stances. It is at the moment a political issue and as his reply to a letter from someone suggests "if housing policy changes at next election" he said he'l review his stance

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The politicising of this access road is quite a clever negotiating technigue, whereby the local authority can use it as a ransome strip.

My understanding is that they feel there is insufficient in it for them.

Where's the 'quid pro qou'.

I'm sure if SL or DS could come up with a sweetener then everybody would get something and be happy.

My suggestion would be for SL to pay for resurfacing of Barrow Street and Long Ashton by-pass which the local authority have not done for many a year and is now a danger to cars and motorcyclists. The roads are better in Bagdad! They obviously don't want johnny foreigner coming to North Somerset and comparing it to a slum.

Either that or Fox could use the money he allegedly fraudulantly claimed from us to cover his dodgy expenses. I'll probably go to jail for that. But I wont mind taking one for the team!

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you may mock but bottom line is i think he actually has a point. It could set a precedent and whats the point of having a greenbelt if you are just going to build on it.

That is a bullshit excuse, planning law already protects the greenbelt adequately, a development like this one has to be justified on special grounds that are extremely stringently tested and we pass.

He is supporting the NIMBY scumbags in Long Ashton who are prepared to lie through their teeth to protect their right to drive their 4x4s through a bit less traffic once every two weeks.

There is no way that building a stadium here on this brownfield ex tip has any bearing on how hard or easy it is to build houses on greenbelt in the future.

Don't fall for it.

There is nowhere else to build the stadium, it is this location or not at all.

Increase the pressure on this lying Tory scummer.

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