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Islam4uk March Through Wootton Bassett

red army

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The Islam4UK are planning to march through wootton bassett in honour our the muslim terroist that have died. I find this very offensive and shouldnt be allowed in this country. I'm sure many agree with me. We should protest there march as they did our soilders.


Pretty certain this is on the wrong forum (!), but agree 100%. If Labour don't get this stopped, in election year of all years, then shame on them.

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1) Non football forum

2) Pointless scare story just like the super mosque one that serves only to give idiot extremists (on both sides) publicity

3) Most likely they won't bother trying it just like the dozen or so other crackpot organisations that have tried similar stunts, if they do the police will apply for and get a prohibition order.

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1) Non football forum

2) Pointless scare story just like the super mosque one that serves only to give idiot extremists (on both sides) publicity

3) Most likely they won't bother trying it just like the dozen or so other crackpot organisations that have tried similar stunts, if they do the police will apply for and get a prohibition order.

Agree with point 2.

However, freedom of speech needs to be protected, even when people are saying things the majority of us do not remotely agree with.

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1) Non football forum

2) Pointless scare story just like the super mosque one that serves only to give idiot extremists (on both sides) publicity

3) Most likely they won't bother trying it just like the dozen or so other crackpot organisations that have tried similar stunts, if they do the police will apply for and get a prohibition order.

On point 2, who are the extremists on the other side to Islam4uk?

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An open letter from the Welsh, English, Irish and Scottish Defence Leagues to Anjem Choudary.....

Dear Anjem,

We have for some time been monitoring statements by your good self re: our troops in Afghanistan etc.Your latest statement about plans to march on a little Wooten Bassett where our war dead are honoured is possibly your most heinous idea yet. You mention how hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghani muslims are being 'murdered' by our troops, yet never mention just how many innocent muslims are being killed by the Taliban or by suicide bombersin both Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a plain, undeniable fact that suicide bombers will never reach paradise, according to your own Holy book ... they will burn in hellfire. Yet you rejoice in this.

You obviously despise this Country, you despise our ways, our religion and our tolerant culture. This is, of course your democratic right. This is Britain, you are entitled to your opinion no matter how disgusted the majority of Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus maybe by you.

As a token, an olive branch if you like. We offer to pay all your expenses should you choose to relocate to a country (such as Saudi Arabia) that practices Sharia law. Britain isn't for you, you dont like it here, our western culture disgusts you. A move to Saudi would also raise your standing in the Muslim world, currently there are millions of muslims in Britain who are repulsed by you.

There are many people in Britain who believe you denounce Britain and all things British yet are happy to live under its democratic social security comfort blanket, you appear to be a hypocrite to many, by moving to Saudi Arabia you will be proving just how genuine you are about Sharia law. The Koran also states that Muslims should live in peace in a foreign land and respect its customs and cultures (as the vast majority of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus etc do) but if a muslim is not happy to do this he/she should seek to move to a muslim country. We will be willing to fund your move, and of any other members of your group who are sick of Britain.

The only stipulation we would make is that you give up your British passport and your British Citizenship. This shouldn't be any real problem for you as surely every day spent living here must be awful for you.

We believe in a multi-cultural society. Many of our members are from ethnic backgrounds. most Muslims in this country believe in Britain, in its values, in its freedoms and in its tolerant attitudes. You do not. That is your Democratic right. But you do not WANT democratic rights, do you?? Surely taking money from the Social Welfare system of an evil system should be abhorrent to you.

This is a genuine offer Andy, should you choose to leave, and to escape the evils of drink and debauchery that we believe you once craved. We will fund the move. Take this opportunity to finally prove your allegiance to the Sharia ... go live the dream.

We would of course appreciate you stating your reasons should you decide NOT to take up this kind offer


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The Lord Mayor & Lady Mayoress of Wootton Bassett are Steve & Allison Bucknell. Allison is also a local member at Lyneham where our war dead arrive from Afghanistan.

I understand that this march has been orchestrated in their absence, currently in Spain for a week. Prince William recently awarded a gong to Steve for his services to our nation. Princess Anne recently lunched with Steve and Allison. Add to that a well done phone call from the PM and you will understand the emotion charged arena that is Wootton Bassett. All the people mentioned have helped with the nations grief by spending time with the families of our deceased.

In any event, any Islamic march will be highly divisive for our nation and all I can see is confrontation. The weekly flag covered hearses in Wootton Bassett are a highly emotive local issue and I would hope civic action prevents any Islamic presence.

Steve & Allison are family members and they are doing a great job in respecting our nations war casualties. We dont need the enemy at the gate, Wootton Bassett.


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The Bucknells are back early from Spain and the PM has supported Wooton Bassett by saying there will be no Islamics4UK march in Wootton Bassett.

I am informed by a high authority that the march was never intended to happen, it was just hot air.


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An open letter from the Welsh, English, Irish and Scottish Defence Leagues to Anjem Choudary.....

Dear Anjem,

We have for some time been monitoring statements by your good self re: our troops in Afghanistan etc.Your latest statement about plans to march on a little Wooten Bassett where our war dead are honoured is possibly your most heinous idea yet. You mention how hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghani muslims are being 'murdered' by our troops, yet never mention just how many innocent muslims are being killed by the Taliban or by suicide bombersin both Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a plain, undeniable fact that suicide bombers will never reach paradise, according to your own Holy book ... they will burn in hellfire. Yet you rejoice in this.

You obviously despise this Country, you despise our ways, our religion and our tolerant culture. This is, of course your democratic right. This is Britain, you are entitled to your opinion no matter how disgusted the majority of Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus maybe by you.

As a token, an olive branch if you like. We offer to pay all your expenses should you choose to relocate to a country (such as Saudi Arabia) that practices Sharia law. Britain isn't for you, you dont like it here, our western culture disgusts you. A move to Saudi would also raise your standing in the Muslim world, currently there are millions of muslims in Britain who are repulsed by you.

There are many people in Britain who believe you denounce Britain and all things British yet are happy to live under its democratic social security comfort blanket, you appear to be a hypocrite to many, by moving to Saudi Arabia you will be proving just how genuine you are about Sharia law. The Koran also states that Muslims should live in peace in a foreign land and respect its customs and cultures (as the vast majority of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus etc do) but if a muslim is not happy to do this he/she should seek to move to a muslim country. We will be willing to fund your move, and of any other members of your group who are sick of Britain.

The only stipulation we would make is that you give up your British passport and your British Citizenship. This shouldn't be any real problem for you as surely every day spent living here must be awful for you.

We believe in a multi-cultural society. Many of our members are from ethnic backgrounds. most Muslims in this country believe in Britain, in its values, in its freedoms and in its tolerant attitudes. You do not. That is your Democratic right. But you do not WANT democratic rights, do you?? Surely taking money from the Social Welfare system of an evil system should be abhorrent to you.

This is a genuine offer Andy, should you choose to leave, and to escape the evils of drink and debauchery that we believe you once craved. We will fund the move. Take this opportunity to finally prove your allegiance to the Sharia ... go live the dream.

We would of course appreciate you stating your reasons should you decide NOT to take up this kind offer


Quality. So basically **** off back to a Muslim country.

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This is just a publicity stunt on 2 fronts.

1) When permission for their march is denied, get ready for bleating about their human rights.

2) if for some ill judged reason this march is allowed to happen, they know that BNP and associated scum will go to Wooton Bassett and all hell would break out.

in a way it's a win/win for Chowdery, He has already admitted he could'nt have got more column inches or general publicity if he had tried.

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Agree with point 2.

However, freedom of speech needs to be protected, even when people are saying things the majority of us do not remotely agree with.

If they wanna stop the BNP and its racist ****, then this Islamic fundamentalist rubbish should be, its racist, religious bigotry, anti gay, anti womens rights, anti freedom of speech, and its downright offensive, to almost everyone I know. Two ex comrades of mine have made that sad journey through Wooten Bassett, and I for one would stop any damn attempt to allow them to march.

they long since gave up any rights to free speech with the hatred they peddle. Pity no one starts an anti Islamic Extremists Group, like the ANL..after all if their twisted creed suceeds, aint none of us gonna have any choices..they are just Nazis/Communists under another banner. Hold the masses under control through terro, the gun and brain washing..

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If they wanna stop the BNP and its racist ****, then this Islamic fundamentalist rubbish should be, its racist, religious bigotry, anti gay, anti womens rights, anti freedom of speech, and its downright offensive, to almost everyone I know. Two ex comrades of mine have made that sad journey through Wooten Bassett, and I for one would stop any damn attempt to allow them to march.

they long since gave up any rights to free speech with the hatred they peddle. Pity no one starts an anti Islamic Extremists Group, like the ANL..after all if their twisted creed suceeds, aint none of us gonna have any choices..they are just Nazis/Communists under another banner. Hold the masses under control through terro, the gun and brain washing..

Spot on.

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