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Just wondering if Chopra will face any kind of disciplinary action for his ridiculous lunge on gav williams in the first half and then the violence he showed towards an apologetic GJ in the second?

An overall thuggish performance from the 'man' (boy in mans shoes if u ask me) who seemed to take the essence of a derby match in the wrong way and imo has tarnished what is and isn't acceptable during a football match.

If i behaved like him playing for my team on a saturday evening i would undoubtedly get a smack in the mouth and would deserve it aswell.

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Just wondering if Chopra will face any kind of disciplinary action for his ridiculous lunge on gav williams in the first half and then the violence he showed towards an apologetic GJ in the second?

An overall thuggish performance from the 'man' (boy in mans shoes if u ask me) who seemed to take the essence of a derby match in the wrong way and imo has tarnished what is and isn't acceptable during a football match.

If i behaved like him playing for my team on a saturday evening i would undoubtedly get a smack in the mouth and would deserve it aswell.

For a start Chopra himself wasn't agressive towards GJ it was the Cradiff coaches and subs. Bit agressive but thats Chopra though, won't face anything.

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It makes me laugh that people are lauding Gary Johnson for tripping Chopra up and using the photograph in their postings and then screaming like bitches in the next sentence because Chopra decided to have a go back. Johnson is lucky he didn't pick on someone a bit bigger and nastier as he would have had his head taken off his shoulders. Six of one and half a dozen of the other.

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It makes me laugh that people are lauding Gary Johnson for tripping Chopra up and using the photograph in their postings and then screaming like bitches in the next sentence because Chopra decided to have a go back. Johnson is lucky he didn't pick on someone a bit bigger and nastier as he would have had his head taken off his shoulders. Six of one and half a dozen of the other.

I kind of agree, but Izzy Iriekpen is most certainly bigger and nastier but GJ survived that one as well! It bugs me when football fans make complaints to the police about gestures when they have been dishing out verbal to a footballer for the previous hour, and likewise, if Chopra decides to run down the side of the pitch goading the home fans and straight through the middle of the opposition technical area and gets tripped over, then fine and dandy as far as I am concerned. If it happened the other way around, I would say the same thing as well.

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