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How Would You Feel If One Of Our Players Did This ?

Frome Red

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I saw this yesterday and laughed my head off. This guy is a cock.

He's gonna be a figure of hate at Man City, but to me hes being clever (with advise from his agent) and orchestrating himself a move elsewhere. Still a **** though.

Or his heads elsewhere because he saw 3 colleagues shot dead last week and he's not thinking straight?

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Or his heads elsewhere because he saw 3 colleagues shot dead last week and he's not thinking straight?

Don't buy that for a second. Surely the 100k a week in his bank is reminder enough. Why did he take the shirt with him?

It could be that hes embarrassed to play for Man City, I would be, all the top players there don't give a hoot about the club, they just wanna get paaaid. I've heard from a lot of Man City and Arse fans that this guy is a prize *****, shallow, selfish, arrogant and rude. This stunt with the shirt pretty much sums him up for what he is.

Buyt OK, hes a Arse fan, guess he an wear what he likes, it just looks bad from my angle, aye ok maybe his head is elsewhere, pretty tragic week hes had

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Or his heads elsewhere because he saw 3 colleagues shot dead last week and he's not thinking straight?

I feel sorry him for what happened but I'm sure it never influenced him in to buying this top in the first place or even taking it with him on that trip ?

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So if *incert player name here* wore a Cardiff shirt or Gas shirt on TV? I would react the same way Man City fans are, get rid of him immediately, hes clearly extracting the urine..

Dont get me wrong, I think its very strange...

but he did play for arsenal recently and will no doubt have arsenal clothes lying around...

He may have not even looked at the t-shirt when he put it on??? bearing in mind what happened I think thats very likely

Its a bit different to a random player wearing a local rivals t-shirt for no reason

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Dont get me wrong, I think its very strange...

but he did play for arsenal recently and will no doubt have arsenal clothes lying around...

He may have not even looked at the t-shirt when he put it on??? bearing in mind what happened I think thats very likely

Its a bit different to a random player wearing a local rivals t-shirt for no reason

Aye, he freely admits he's a big Arse fan. But it was a poor choice, did he not have a 5h1t load of Man City shirts, they are paying him while he was out there, very very unprrofesional, but like you say, under the circumstances I think he can just about get away with it.

However, If I went to a seminar or road show representing my company and I was caught wearing the competitions T shirt becuase I once worked there i'm sure I would be sacked and rightfully so.

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Just Watched this video on sky sports of Man City's Adebayor http://link.brightco...tid=61458590001 and thought how I would feel if one of our players was going round in his old team colours !!!!!!!!

Depends. Mostly I wouldn't like it. If, however, it was well known that the player in question supported that team as a boy and if that player's credentials with us were sound then under those circumstances, I would be OK with it (I'm thinking if 10 years ago Tinman had been spotted in a Newcastle shirt, or Murray in a whoever the hell Jock team he supports)

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Strange as this is, I have to defend the guy. He's seen friends/colleagues killed by terrorists. I highly doubt that choosing the correct polo top is his main concern at the moment.

If he still has gear from his Arsenal playing days then why not?

Would you care if Lee Johnson put a Hearts top on when having a kick about with his lad?

Given the circumstances I think some slack should be given to him!

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If you watched the interview he explained that all his National kit was still with the coach etc, following the incident.

He borrowed clothes that he brother had from a previous visit hence when he was a Gooner. .

Strange as this is, I have to defend the guy. He's seen friends/colleagues killed by terrorists. I highly doubt that choosing the correct polo top is his main concern at the moment.

If he still has gear from his Arsenal playing days then why not?

Given the circumstances I think some slack should be given to him!

Is it really important with what was being discussed?

I would not give a dam what to wear if I was going through that I probably would not even notice if i was naked.

If you took the time to read the post I was asking "How would you feel if one of our players was going round in his old team colours !!!!!!!!" I was not asking what you thought of Adebayor's situation !

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If you took the time to read the post I was asking "How would you feel if one of our players was going round in his old team colours !!!!!!!!" I was not asking what you thought of Adebayor's situation !

I realise that, but the two points are not unrelated. Chances are he would have never worn that top in England full stop, but when he's away with his national team, if he has an Arsenal polo shirt that he's fond of for one reason or another why wouldn't/shouldn't he wear it. It's not like he's wearing it whilst signing autographs at a Man C event or wandering around Eastlands with it on.

And in the wake of a terrorist attack on his friends and colleagues I really doubt that clothing selection was top of his agenda.

Quite frankly it wouldn't bother me if Paul Hartley cleans his windows in a Celtic tracksuit, or if Gary Johnson sleeps in Latvia pyjamas as long as that whilst they're playing for/managing the club they are giving 110%.

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