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Andy Cole On Jacki Dziekanowski


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Q "Who was better - Bristol City's Polish magician Jacki Dziekanowski or Eric Cantona?"

A "I have to say Eric, but Jacki really surprised me. Skill-wise, he was miles better than anyone at that level. You've made me smile, mentioning Jacki's name."

Q "You were Newcastle United's record signing. Did Kevin Keegan really call you Adrian when he tried to sign you?"

A "He did. I was playing for Bristol City, in the days before mobile phones, when I came outside to see a note on the window of my car from my team-mate Russell Osman - it said 'Coley, give me a call'. 'Kevin Keegan wants to phone you," said Russell. I went home and awaited the call. 'Hello, Adrian,' Keegan said. 'I think you've got the wrong person, because I'm Andrew,' I replied. 'Ah, sorry, sorry. Anyway, we'd like you to come up as we're interested in signing you. Is there any possibility that you can get up to Newcastle tomorrow?' I said: 'I can't come tomorrow because I have to finish my laundry. I can come the day after, though.' He was a bit taken aback, but I did my laundry and went the day after."

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