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Half Season Comment.


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Based on the GJ block of 10 analysis, this is where we are after 25 matches.

First 10, W4- D4-L2-16 Points

Second10, W3-D5-L2-14 Points

Third 5, W1-D2-L2- 5 Points

Giving us 35 points from 25 matches at 1.4 points per average per game. Thats not good enough, we need a minimum of 1.7 points per block of 10. GJ & SL obviously were going for it with their signings and automatic promotion seemed possible.

We have carried some League 1 players beyond their limitations, such as McCombe and LJ. GJ has recognised that and moved on to reality and the future. Our selections, tactics and substitutions have been less than stellar and there again GJ has sought to remedy this situation. He too is on a learning curve, so good for him !

The next step is to advance within the constraints of a realistic budget. Imo the introduction of our younger sqad members will save the expence of outside signings and give the local flavour/Academy a boost. Artus is 21, Wilson and Ribiero 20, these 3 players should be blooded this season. I would like to see this evolve as I detest the play offs. The season is long enough and any play off situation leaves the players weakened for a tougher season in the league above. Plain stupid imo, and for me its auto promotion or wait another year.

I would like some feedback on a medium to long term plan for BCFC. I dont wish to get bogged down on individual players, but perhaps some constructive thoughts on how we can move ahead with what we have. Without increasing our current debt would be nice and SL will be interested as he reads the Forum.

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A simple and obvious thought is that the academy must start to produce a some first team regulars, I don;t know how long Man City's academy has had that status, but they blooded their 28th youngster in the game the other night. If the academy is worth keeping (I believe it should be) then the club needs to be certain that it is finding / attracting the very best youngsters and has the training, physical, technical and mental in place that provides young players with all they need to break into the first team squad in their teens.

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