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Munir Hussain - Top Batsman

Mr Mosquito

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The Police and CPS lawyers responsible for Munir Hussian's wrongful imprisonment should themselves be imprisoned just as Mr Hussain was - this is Roman Law that our own Toff derived laws are based upon.

With regard to our top batsman Munir Hussain: Lets see a Crown Prosecution Service lawyer or Policeman return home with wife and 3 children (21, 18 and 15) to find 3 armed men who tie you up, make you move around the house on your hands and knees like dogs and proceed to give you a good kicking in which to achieve their aim of terrorizing you to hand over some money.

The situation changes when the husband causes a distraction by throwing a coffee table and one of his sons escapes, the masked assailants do a runner, but the family rallies round and catches one and gives him exactly what he had been doing a few minutes before. :winner_third_h4h:

Our corrupty Police are called and they arrest the family man who ends up getting a prison sentence. The assailant - who never revealed the names of his cohorts - gets to walk away a free man.

Yet again our 'politically correct' EU British justice wins the day for the criminal, be it Greedy Lib-Lab-Con EU loving traitor MPs, jailed terrorists, failed terrorists or even so called innocent drug mules arrested in foreign countries - the rights of the victim never see the light of day in the wonderful European Union loving Lib-Lab-Con utopia that is the UK.

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