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Johnson "players" And Man Management

Big Red Rich

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We've all said it before when talking about potential new signings, is he a "Johnson Player". I.e. Did he once show potential, slip down the league's slightly before Johnson rescues him, gives him a polish and finally releases the potential that the player allegedly had.......... Well, theres an old saying - you can't polish a turd.

Johnson was always sucessfull in bringing these sorts of players into a team with great comaraderie and team spirit and one of belief. To be fair to GJ, he created this.

However, I believe he has now lost the dressing room and these types of players will now only manifest and will struggle to turn in the performances on a week to week basis that is requiried to at least finish in the top ten.

This type of attitude towards signings is fine when you are making it work, however this is not the case anymore and our policy of signing these sorts of players needs to be seriously looked at.

Then there is this "My way or highway" attitude which has seen the likes of Basso, Trundle, Noble, Phillips, Mcindoe, Keogh, Blackman, Partridge etc etc leave the club under a cloud. Again, this attitude is fine when you've a team spirit that backs up your decisions but brings your position seriously under question when the policy is clearly having a detrimental effect on results.

Back to my sayings - "Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword"

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Im sure we have all worked under a boss we didnt like and it does make it difficult to motivate yourself to put in a good days work. Seems an age ago GJ sent Jermain Easter back to Wycombe as he failed the "interview" and we all thought what a refreshing change that made.

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Im sure we have all worked under a boss we didnt like and it does make it difficult to motivate yourself to put in a good days work. Seems an age ago GJ sent Jermain Easter back to Wycombe as he failed the "interview" and we all thought what a refreshing change that made.

Where is Easter these days? If he passed the "interview" and had signed for us, I wonder if he would have been a success?.....

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