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Sacking Johnson Is Not The Answer


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Despite last night's hammering and our poor return of just 9 wins in the last 38 League games I would still give Gary until the end of this season to turn things around.

He and Steve Lansdown need to privately agree a minimal points target from our remaining 18 games and review the situation in May. Only then should their be a mutual parting of ways if our Chair isn't convinced that following a thorough examination of Gary's plans for Bristol City's future, from Academy to first-team, match his own vision.

In my opinion sacking Johnson would hurt Bristol City both financially; due to paying off the managers' remaining 3 years of a 5 year contract and mentally, because there have been too many changes to the squad this season already. Any new boss would at least want the freedom to bring some fresh faces in, but with only 4 days left of the January transfer window, that would only leave the emergency loan market lottery open in February and March.

No, Johnson must stay. He and the squad need to admit their failings in-house and burn with pride to save their Ashton Gate careers. Only then will the fans start to believe, again.

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You are right sacking him is not the right option, but if he has any respect for the club, he should ask for a mutual termination of contract and we could honour him his wages until the end of this season, saving us 3 years of money, and looking after Gary so he can go away for a month or so, clear his head and come back hungry for another club.

He looked a finished man last night, and his resignation now would see him leave with his respect in tact and would be appreciated by the majority of the fans.

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Agree in part - GJ should walk - not be sacked - but if he wont walk..

This Divison can go either way - we could get dragged in to the bun fight at the bottom, stay mid table or creep into or towards play-offs - the latter needs more stimulus than GJ can provide

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I agree it would be damaging financialy to sack Johnson, add to that the fact a new manager would only have loans to sort things out and it does seem like the right thing to do is to stick by him. That said, if the players are not happy under him and after a performance like last night, 2nd half especially, i wonder if he has already lost them, if that is the case then you could keep him here for the rest of his life and the results wont come.

Nothing would please me more to see us come back from 'Boro on sat with a well earned point, but i wont hold my breath.

Ive enjoyed the years under GJ, he has brought some truely great times but his dogmatic approach and what i deem to be a lack of interpersonal skills is really starting to grate...i mean not even a sorry for last night..i mean come on, if your not sorry for that debacle, then when would you be?

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My worries are that the team are already mentally hurt so to speak. I think GJ has lost their confidence and doesn't appear to know how to get it back. A 6-0 home defeat will only make matters worse.

I think this is where we find out if GJ can really do the big job of getting this club into the Premier League. If he can get the lads behind him and get a good position this season then all is not lost. However if we finish this season poorly then I can't see us bouncing back next season. This is where GJ proves his worth IMO

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Despite last night's hammering and our poor return of just 9 wins in the last 38 League games I would still give Gary until the end of this season to turn things around.

He and Steve Lansdown need to privately agree a minimal points target from our remaining 18 games and review the situation in May. Only then should their be a mutual parting of ways if our Chair isn't convinced that following a thorough examination of Gary's plans for Bristol City's future, from Academy to first-team, match his own vision.

In my opinion sacking Johnson would hurt Bristol City both financially; due to paying off the managers' remaining 3 years of a 5 year contract and mentally, because there have been too many changes to the squad this season already. Any new boss would at least want the freedom to bring some fresh faces in, but with only 4 days left of the January transfer window, that would only leave the emergency loan market lottery open in February and March.

No, Johnson must stay. He and the squad need to admit their failings in-house and burn with pride to save their Ashton Gate careers. Only then will the fans start to believe, again.

18MNTS this has been going on, last night was the final nail in the coffin,the players are here they need a manager that can motivate,correct the faults that are happening and take the club forward.

At present we are and have been going backwards,13500 fans say it all for a Cardiff Derby.

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I was a big supporter of his. Last night has challenged that. As others have said, thrashings happen, but when he's been at the club 3-4 years and been able to build a team/squad in that time, this really shouldn't be happening. I can accept the odd bad performance and even going on a bit of a bad run, but a team built for a good few years should never be turned over like we were last night by a team of similar stature in the same league.

I don't necessaily think sacking him right now is the right thing. I say see if we get in the top 10 come the end of the season, and if not, I think serious questions need to be asked.

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I agree, sacking him would be a stupid knee-jerk reaction. It was only two years ago we got hammered away at Ipswich by a similar scoreline and we still reached the playoff final.

Not that I'm saying things are ok this season because they're not. In a way, i think things have caught up with us. We all recall those games before Christmas, where we said things like 'if the opposition could finish...'

In truth, I think Gj's lost his way and doesn't even know what his best 11 is. How many times this season have we started with the same 11 in consecutive games?

However, I agree in that a re-evaluation at the season's end would be best.

What is disappointing, is how quickly the knives are coming out from some of our supporters. It's disappointing to read comments like 'tosser' becasue whatever happens with this season, I will probably look back at the times under Johnson as some of our best. Surely, after everything he still deserves our respect?


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I agree he should stay too.....Good post / comments. Just a thought, since I first started supporting city in the 80s this is the highest level that we have played for a sustained period of time. ( 3 years in the championship). I admit last night was a disgrace, and performances and results have not been impressive. If you look at our league position and the "Big Name" clubs above us, then are our expectations still too high?? apart from Blackpool the teams above us have much higher crowds, and in general more financial bakcing / or are a club more likely to attract the top players. Maybe our expectations have simply got too high, considering for the majority of the 20 odd years ive been supporting city we have been in a lower division playing S*** teams....!

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I agree he should stay too.....Good post / comments. Just a thought, since I first started supporting city in the 80s this is the highest level that we have played for a sustained period of time. ( 3 years in the championship). I admit last night was a disgrace, and performances and results have not been impressive. If you look at our league position and the "Big Name" clubs above us, then are our expectations still too high?? apart from Blackpool the teams above us have much higher crowds, and in general more financial bakcing / or are a club more likely to attract the top players. Maybe our expectations have simply got too high, considering for the majority of the 20 odd years ive been supporting city we have been in a lower division playing S*** teams....!

Well said. You really can't ask for more than top half.

The problem is that we seems to be heading in the wrong direction and need to react well in time before we end up in a relegation battle.

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Despite last night's hammering and our poor return of just 9 wins in the last 38 League games I would still give Gary until the end of this season to turn things around.

He and Steve Lansdown need to privately agree a minimal points target from our remaining 18 games and review the situation in May. Only then should their be a mutual parting of ways if our Chair isn't convinced that following a thorough examination of Gary's plans for Bristol City's future, from Academy to first-team, match his own vision.

In my opinion sacking Johnson would hurt Bristol City both financially; due to paying off the managers' remaining 3 years of a 5 year contract and mentally, because there have been too many changes to the squad this season already. Any new boss would at least want the freedom to bring some fresh faces in, but with only 4 days left of the January transfer window, that would only leave the emergency loan market lottery open in February and March.

No, Johnson must stay. He and the squad need to admit their failings in-house and burn with pride to save their Ashton Gate careers. Only then will the fans start to believe, again.

Really? And what if we were to get tanked again on sat at Boro?

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Really? And what if we were to get tanked again on sat at Boro?

Arn, it's WHEN we get tanked on Saturday, not if. Our best hope is that Collis comes in and plays out of his skin. One thing I do want to see on Saturday is John Akinde given a run out - it's about time this lad was let loose and I don't want to hear all this BS about now not being the right time to bring him in. Someone like Akinde playing with energy, enthusiasm and "beating up" a Middlesbrough defender or three to let them know he's about is EXACTLY what we need on Saturday.

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Despite last night's hammering and our poor return of just 9 wins in the last 38 League games I would still give Gary until the end of this season to turn things around.

He and Steve Lansdown need to privately agree a minimal points target from our remaining 18 games and review the situation in May. Only then should their be a mutual parting of ways if our Chair isn't convinced that following a thorough examination of Gary's plans for Bristol City's future, from Academy to first-team, match his own vision.

In my opinion sacking Johnson would hurt Bristol City both financially; due to paying off the managers' remaining 3 years of a 5 year contract and mentally, because there have been too many changes to the squad this season already. Any new boss would at least want the freedom to bring some fresh faces in, but with only 4 days left of the January transfer window, that would only leave the emergency loan market lottery open in February and March.

No, Johnson must stay. He and the squad need to admit their failings in-house and burn with pride to save their Ashton Gate careers. Only then will the fans start to believe, again.

The problem is Gary Johnson will not accept any blame for what is happening.It will be down to the players to exam themselves and the teflon man will act like he is beyond criticism or reproach.Maybe that is why players are not playing for him.I would agree with your view if this was a blip but the trend of poorer and poorer performances and results over last season and this , in my opin ion mean we are beyond giving him more time.If we take the defence as an example. it has had problems for a long time.Letting in late goals was just the start of it and last night against a quality team we saw the logical conclusion of a huge failing by Johnson and Millen to address the problem.It has stared them in the face for months and they have done nothing.Howe can a Manager who shows such ineptitude be allowed to stay in control.It is time for him to go.

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The problem is Gary Johnson will not accept any blame for what is happening.It will be down to the players to exam themselves and the teflon man will act like he is beyond criticism or reproach.Maybe that is why players are not playing for him.I would agree with your view if this was a blip but the trend of poorer and poorer performances and results over last season and this , in my opin ion mean we are beyond giving him more time.If we take the defence as an example. it has had problems for a long time.Letting in late goals was just the start of it and last night against a quality team we saw the logical conclusion of a huge failing by Johnson and Millen to address the problem.It has stared them in the face for months and they have done nothing.Howe can a Manager who shows such ineptitude be allowed to stay in control.It is time for him to go.

I take your point, but sacking Johnson now could prove more damaging to the club. You only have to look at our Championship neighbours QPR to see that short-term solutions can backfire badly.

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just posted this in the other thread when it should of gone here

ive just had 2 txts from 2 different people within the space of 20 mins saying johnson has saturdays game at boro to save his job if theres no reaction from the team he's gone

personally i think that it would be a bad idea at least give the bloke till the end of the season it would be really bad timing to get rid of gj at least wait till were mathematicaly safe in the league in case things get even worse

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Our next result will probably be a better one. Hmm better than losing 6-0 at home to Cardiff - Starting from a very low base

Still think GJ is a top class manager and would only have ONeil or Moyes here instead of GJ - Seriously deluded springs to mind!

Deluded? Not at all, Moyes has done great at Everton and O'Neil is one of my fav managers. :)

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I agree, sacking him would be a stupid knee-jerk reaction. It was only two years ago we got hammered away at Ipswich by a similar scoreline and we still reached the playoff final.

Not that I'm saying things are ok this season because they're not. In a way, i think things have caught up with us. We all recall those games before Christmas, where we said things like 'if the opposition could finish...'

In truth, I think Gj's lost his way and doesn't even know what his best 11 is. How many times this season have we started with the same 11 in consecutive games?

However, I agree in that a re-evaluation at the season's end would be best.

What is disappointing, is how quickly the knives are coming out from some of our supporters. It's disappointing to read comments like 'tosser' becasue whatever happens with this season, I will probably look back at the times under Johnson as some of our best. Surely, after everything he still deserves our respect?


That was a bit different tbf. For a start is was our first year back, secondly we were away and they had a 100% home record, thirdly we played more than half the game with ten men and finally the reason we lost by so much is we kept ploughing forward and looking for a response, and they kept coming back at us and scoring. It was a bad day at the office yes, but it does not compare to last night, a 6-0 home defeat to our bitter rivals who were only 4 points ahead of us in the league and who we'd played twice in the last 2 weeks. Last night I felt humilated and ashamed, after Ipswich I was just pissed off, but NOTHING like I was last night, and today for that matter.

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He should fall on his sword... just as Tinnion did after a similar thrashing from Swansea...

I agree - the best outcome for everybody would be for him to put his hand up and say - sorry guys, I quit - he could leave with his head held high and I'm sure a L1 team would have him like a shot - he's very good at lower league levels. He's lost his way with us - we have a huge squad now, far too many strikers for a club our size, and he just keeps flipping from one to the other so nobody gets a decent run. He seems to be freaked out but the fans' criticism - it's hampering his judgement - he needs to chat to his son and see that he'd be better off out of the kitchen.

I don't think we should sack him though. His 5 year contract seems less like a good idea now but we'll have to live with it for a bit longer. I doubt he will quit and so he and Lansdown need to have a long talk - agree some goals and get on with the rest of the season. They should forget about the play offs - that ain't going to happen and there is no way we are even remotely ready for promotion. What we need to focus on is staying up - sorry but after last night's performance, it has to be said that we are in the emergency room. He needs to pick a team and stick with it and grind out some results. it won't be pretty and it's not what we want to watch but relegation would be a disaster. Confidence is shot to pieces and when that happens you have to go back to basics. There were some poor performances last night and big question marks about one or two individuals, but overall everybody knows we've got the players to consolidate our position in this division. We beat Preston easily but I thought they were a weak team and it was their first game under a new manager - even then they got 2 past us which should never have happened. The way things are, we could find ourselves in trouble if he doesn't steady the ship.

At the end of the season we can see what it looks like.

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Despite last night's hammering and our poor return of just 9 wins in the last 38 League games I would still give Gary until the end of this season to turn things around.

He and Steve Lansdown need to privately agree a minimal points target from our remaining 18 games and review the situation in May. Only then should their be a mutual parting of ways if our Chair isn't convinced that following a thorough examination of Gary's plans for Bristol City's future, from Academy to first-team, match his own vision.

In my opinion sacking Johnson would hurt Bristol City both financially; due to paying off the managers' remaining 3 years of a 5 year contract and mentally, because there have been too many changes to the squad this season already. Any new boss would at least want the freedom to bring some fresh faces in, but with only 4 days left of the January transfer window, that would only leave the emergency loan market lottery open in February and March.

No, Johnson must stay. He and the squad need to admit their failings in-house and burn with pride to save their Ashton Gate careers. Only then will the fans start to believe, again.

:disapointed2se: Could cost us a lot more if we go down; in another month say if we have gone down even further how about then, what about if its down to the last couple of games that we have to win :disapointed2se:.

We have yet some really tough games coming up starting Sat with Boro and LIta, WBA, Newcastle, Forest etc; wake up we are in the middle of the season and all over the place, no confidence and only have fear and thats Manager, players and fans.

Why have there been so "many changes this season" do you think?

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