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Lets All Be Supporters!


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I was at the Cardiff game on Tuesday night and I was not happy with the result or watching the errors being made.

However what upset me more was not the scoreline but the behaviour of some of the people calling themselves Bristol City "supporters"

I can accept other people having a difference of opinion to me (I think Garry Johnson is a good manager, some other people don't - thats fair enough)

The thing that disgusted me most was the behaviour of some of the people that call themselves "supporters" at the game who were "sending up" the team, constantly talking the team down, throwing programs and paper airplanes onto the pitch and booing them.

These people have the right to behave in this manner as they have bought their ticket and have the right to express themselves how they feel fit. However these same people do not have the right to call themselves "Supporters" of Bristol City.

"Supporters" get behind the team chant and shout for the team even when things are not going well i.e they Support the team. Booing and jeering is not an acceptable form of "support"

No one has ever said that they "support" something and then boo and jeer it.

Whether you are in favour of Gary Johnson or not if you are a "supporter" of Bristol City then don't "send the team up" or boo them.

I am pretty sure Louis Carey is Bristol City through and through and would prefer a shout of "Come on Louis!" rather than a "Boo" to help his game. I know I would if I were a player.

This post is more a plea to people to be "supporters" of Bristol City

Lets all get behind and support our team. We all want the same thing and the best way to get that is through support!

come on you REDS!!!

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I think the true supporters will know that it was a freak result and nothing more, we all know the overall team is better than that so lets not panic.

As for the free programmes, what idiot thought that would be a good idea, if they had not thrown them on the pitch then I,m sure they would have

been left to litter the surrounding streets just to please the local residents. It would of made more sense to charge say 20p a copy and give the

procedes to some charity or something, a donation to that regiment that so proudly paraded around the pitch at half time maybe.

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