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Chopra In Trouble

Whale Eye Beef Hooked

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Not city related but i did enjoy the fact that someone had a pop at him. The way he celebrated in front of the Ateyo made me want to give him a slap.


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well it's Chopra's own fault. I wouldn't expect the likes of Scott Murray to go watch Rovers play, so why Chopra? Its his own fault, was calling for trouble.

Grow up. Chopra is free to go to whatever game he wants without the threat of being attacked.

I completely respect him for giving this oik a dry slap for thinking he can go round abusing folk by spitting...and all for reasons so petty.

Chavs like that give supporters a bad name

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Grow Up? Hardly

Here is a player who use to play for Sunderland. Newcastle's rivals if you did not know that. Ofcourse there are going to be fans who will think of him as an enemy to their club. No problem for Chopra defending himself but he should of been more aware where he was and who he use to play for. We all know how Newcastle fans are.

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Grow Up? Hardly

Here is a player who use to play for Sunderland. Newcastle's rivals if you did not know that. Ofcourse there are going to be fans who will think of him as an enemy to their club. No problem for Chopra defending himself but he should of been more aware where he was and who he use to play for. We all know how Newcastle fans are.

Would you condone a city fan doing that to Steve Phillps or any other ex-city player now playing for the gas and coming to the gate to watch agame with their family? Knob!

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Can I just add that the only person saying the guy spat in his face is Chopra. Who is to say the guy was winding him up as discussed and Chopra punched him. And now Chopra is using the old "he spat at me" line to get away with the fact he lamped him one.... I wouldnt be suprised....

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Grow Up? Hardly

Here is a player who use to play for Sunderland. Newcastle's rivals if you did not know that. Ofcourse there are going to be fans who will think of him as an enemy to their club. No problem for Chopra defending himself but he should of been more aware where he was and who he use to play for. We all know how Newcastle fans are.

You need to get out more matey, the attack on Chopra was disgusting how can you possibly defend that sort of subhuman neanderthal behaviour. Are you a closet Geordie.?

I hope Chopra takes legal action and the guy gets a life time ban we dont need supporters like that at any game or the people who condone it.

Ive been to ST James Park a few times in the last 20 years, they are the most passionate fans in the Country bar none but its unfair to label them the same as this one tosspot

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Did i say every fan? No i did not.

There are going to be fans though who will want to deck rival players in or ex players of their rivals team just because of that reason. As I said before Chopra himself should of been more careful. Shame ofcourse yes what happended but football has a history of having fans who take it seriously sometimes. I'm sure if I played for Bristol City and then i went and join another club, but went and watched Rovers I would be on high alert off those certain fans, I wouldnt even go.

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Grow Up? Hardly

Here is a player who use to play for Sunderland. Newcastle's rivals if you did not know that. Ofcourse there are going to be fans who will think of him as an enemy to their club. No problem for Chopra defending himself but he should of been more aware where he was and who he use to play for. We all know how Newcastle fans are.

Perhaps because Chopra spent 6 years as a kid for Newcastle and had his first games for them and is a Newcastle United supporter. Maybe that's why he was there. Doesn't condone his actions to lamp someone, but if some guy asked for a photo and spat in his face and taunted him with insults whilst recording on his phone, good ole Chopra for shutting the idiot up.

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i would love to shake the blokes hand whoever spat in chopra's face, chopra is a horrible **** and desrves to get his head kicked in, with a bit of luck a Swansea fan might get him later this season

Presumably if a member of the public thought a member of your family was an equally 'horrible ****' then an assault on them would be equally ok?

Someone might think of you as a bit of a ****, the same may be true of me. I doubt either of us would happily take an assault on the chin.

No justification for this idiot's actions at all.

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Can I just add that the only person saying the guy spat in his face is Chopra. Who is to say the guy was winding him up as discussed and Chopra punched him. And now Chopra is using the old "he spat at me" line to get away with the fact he lamped him one.... I wouldnt be suprised....

right, because a load of rival fans who are probably the guys mates are gonna come out and admit their mate spat in someones face...? ok.

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