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i hope he does, may show the thick skinned stubborn little man exactly what people are feelinga t the mo, he has alienated the fans with his attitude of being bigger than than the club and the fans being at fault rather than his inept signings tactics and man management.....

have some diginty and resign

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you won't like it :(

I think he should read it. He'll get an idea of just how much support he's lost with his continued stupidity (in regard to selections and signings I think stupidity is the only word for it.)

he has been here 4 years or more and he doesn't know the best 11... HE SIGNED ALL OF THEM!

he's got so little charisma it's unreal, It's hard to relate to the man and understand where he comes from when he speaks about us fans with such distain.

Leave GJ. if not for yourself for us. you've been here long enough to have some sort of affinity to the club.... the right thing to do by it is to admit you're no longer the right man for the job... Be the bigger man and admit you're now out of your depth...

thanks for the first two and a half seasons GJ, we'll always remember them fondly... but for gods sake don't make us actually hate you...

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