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Just A Week Ago On Radio Bristol.

Radstock Red

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You are so right.

People say Trust GJ (Pete Legend just started a thread on this), they say SL knows what he is doing, they say the new stadium is going to be great.

Look around - if we get dragged down (and we pretty nearly are gettong in the dog fight) how can we exist in Div 3 and 8000 of us with 3 seats each?

SL is a businessman - he has been successful - but not every successful business man can make the right decisions re football. I think SL has backed himself into a corner - and GJ is not stupid - all his "The Chairman is great, he is such a great man manager" etc etc - all makes it harder for SL to do the right thing now - which is move GJ on - bit of impetus from a new manager will keep us up and then they have pre season to start building the team for the next campaign

I cant see it happening but I do think that prob half the support at least want GJ out - we are not the vocal minority anymore - that is not healthy - and how can we keep being told to get behind a man that we think is bringing City down as he has reached his limit?

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He also said 'judge me after 46 games'.

He said the same last season and in my opinion should have gone then.

Those of us that have been wanting GJ out for some time, have not wanted him out because we dont like him but because we could see this coming a long way back. If it had not been for that mini run we had after last xmas (starting at Watford), we would have gone down last season.

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He also said he was going to play a settled side and that the top 2 was our aim. Your point being?

My point is that I have distrust in what he says...which is what this thread is about, whch is why I made the point.

'Judge me after 46 games' implies that things will sometimes appear they are going wrong, and that it's all under control... it clearly isnt.

It's quite an arrogant commnent for Johnson to make.

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My point is that I have distrust in what he says...which is what this thread is about, whch is why I made the point.

'Judge me after 46 games' implies that things will sometimes appear they are going wrong, and that it's all under control... it clearly isnt.

It's quite an arrogant commnent for Johnson to make.

My apology's, hard to read the context sometimes.

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