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Winning Players


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I've done 10 minutes of research and come up with my own version of ProZone, which probably proves about just as much as the real thing.

A quick look tells me we have won 9 games this season including 1 cup game.

These are the players who have featured in these wins, sometimes as a full appearance, sometimes being subbed or coming on as a sub:

Gerkin 8 times (so has appeared in 8 of the 9 wins).

Orr 8 times

McAllister 8 times

Nyatanga 7

Carey 6

Fontaine 6 (which shocked me, didn't seem enough)

McCoombe 6 (which shocked me, seemed too many)

****Star Man ***** SKUSE, he has been part of all 9 wins

Elliott 7 (seems too many)

Hartley 6

Sproule 6

Johnson 5

Williams 5

Sno 5

Maynard 8

Haynes 8

Saborio 4

Akinde 3

Clarkson 3

I know it doesn't prove much, doesn't take into account of formations etc but maybe gives a bit of a different insight.

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Skuse and a good defence then!

It is surprising what that sort of thing can reveal. Going back a bit there was a piece in OTIB that divided the season up into BD and AD - Before & After Darren (Barnard). The difference was amazing and it shows quite how much somebody bossing their bit of the pitch strengthens the whole team.

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yeah, but on the other hand those players would also have been involved in most of the defeats, since they are regulars.

what would be interesting is to see that kind of information for gavin williams or ivan sproule, to see if their impact on the team is actually statistically meaningful.

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I've done 10 minutes of research and come up with my own version of ProZone, which probably proves about just as much as the real thing.

A quick look tells me we have won 9 games this season including 1 cup game.

These are the players who have featured in these wins, sometimes as a full appearance, sometimes being subbed or coming on as a sub:

Gerkin 8 times (so has appeared in 8 of the 9 wins).

Orr 8 times

McAllister 8 times

Nyatanga 7

Carey 6

Fontaine 6 (which shocked me, didn't seem enough)

McCoombe 6 (which shocked me, seemed too many)

****Star Man ***** SKUSE, he has been part of all 9 wins

Elliott 7 (seems too many)

Hartley 6

Sproule 6

Johnson 5

Williams 5

Sno 5

Maynard 8

Haynes 8

Saborio 4

Akinde 3

Clarkson 3

I know it doesn't prove much, doesn't take into account of formations etc but maybe gives a bit of a different insight.

I would be a bit careful with your research and any conclusions. If you did the same research against players nvolved in all of our draws and losses I bet it would not look much different.

Why would it the basis of our team never really changes too much. Defence has the same 4 /5 players, midfield using same 4/6 players but actual postions sometimes change. Strikers tend to move around as we look to find the best partner for Nicky M.

Can't see much changing over the next month as we look to stabilise our season. I wonder if we will look to start preparation for next year at any point in this season. Without meanimg to be disrespectful , surely there will be a clear out which should create some opportunities for our local lads to stake a claim for a 1st team place.

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