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Own Goals


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Four this season already, all conceded by defenders facing the goal. Not sure what the record is, or if there is a seasonal average, but this is the worst I've known for OG's.

Personally I think yesterdays could have been avoided, the ball didn't need to be played. Have never really played the game however so will give Brad the benefit of the doubt, maybe he had to go for it. I felt, ridiculous as it sounds, that the 5th goal killed the game, still held out hope while we were only two behind.

The worst OG have seen was Pender's at Forest, reckon we would've got to Wembley but for that.

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Four this season already, all conceded by defenders facing the goal. Not sure what the record is, or if there is a seasonal average, but this is the worst I've known for OG's.

Personally I think yesterdays could have been avoided, the ball didn't need to be played. Have never really played the game however so will give Brad the benefit of the doubt, maybe he had to go for it. I felt, ridiculous as it sounds, that the 5th goal killed the game, still held out hope while we were only two behind.

The worst OG have seen was Pender's at Forest, reckon we would've got to Wembley but for that.

You obviously weren't around in the mid sixties, Jack Connor and Gordon Low were absolute past masters of the art. Not deflections, but glorious full length diving headers!

One season they must have had half a dozen between them.

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