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Millen In Charge

Martyn Hocking

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Well you can forget all about Curbs leading the team out to wild applause on Saturday.

The EP says Millen will be in charge.

How can the man who has been responsible for our defensive shambles this season be trusted for even one game.

Might as well have asked Hartley to do it.

Surely to God Millen isn't going to be kept on in the long term if Gary is surplus to requirements?

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Well you can forget all about Curbs leading the team out to wild applause on Saturday.

The EP says Millen will be in charge.

How can the man who has been responsible for our defensive shambles this season be trusted for even one game.

Might as well have asked Hartley to do it.

Surely to God Millen isn't going to be kept on in the long term if Gary is surplus to requirements?

He should go with Johnson, part of the same team, good ridddance.

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Well you can forget all about Curbs leading the team out to wild applause on Saturday.

The EP says Millen will be in charge.

How can the man who has been responsible for our defensive shambles this season be trusted for even one game.

Might as well have asked Hartley to do it.

Surely to God Millen isn't going to be kept on in the long term if Gary is surplus to requirements?

What other option is there? Last nights events seem to have forced SL's hand and until we get a replacement then Millen will have to stay in charge till we get a permanent manager, what else can SL do?

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Well you can forget all about Curbs leading the team out to wild applause on Saturday.

The EP says Millen will be in charge.

How can the man who has been responsible for our defensive shambles this season be trusted for even one game.

Might as well have asked Hartley to do it.

Surely to God Millen isn't going to be kept on in the long term if Gary is surplus to requirements?

It's upto the new manager to decide Millen's worth, personally I think he has a future at the club, maybe not with the first team but certinaly with the academy as he's more experince in the game than the current coaches their.

He's the logical choice to take over for the next day or so, Lansdown's shrewd and is likely to have the new man lined up ready for after the newcastle game if not before.

now the bully has gone however, the players will no doubt be putting out much improved performances,

for the first time in a while I CAN'T WAIT TILL SATURDAY

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Keith Millen is highly respected in the game and amongst footballing circles. I don't think he is to blame at all.

He is the coach who has overseen the worst defensive performances seen at AG in living memory, a man with zero charisma who sneered at fans of this club who complained we had no width in the team ('width is a myth').

Forget about the wally with the brolly - this is the clown with the clipboard.

Would have been better off with no manager and a team led by its senior pros.

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He is the coach who has overseen the worst defensive performances seen at AG in living memory, a man with zero charisma who sneered at fans of this club who complained we had no width in the team ('width is a myth').

Forget about the wally with the brolly - this is the clown with the clipboard.

Would have been better off with no manager and a team led by its senior pros.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't he regarded as one of the top 15 coaches in the country by the FA? I can understand why people wouldn't want him as Manager of the club, but he isn't as bad as some are making out on here.

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He is the coach who has overseen the worst defensive performances seen at AG in living memory, a man with zero charisma who sneered at fans of this club who complained we had no width in the team ('width is a myth').

Forget about the wally with the brolly - this is the clown with the clipboard.

Would have been better off with no manager and a team led by its senior pros.

Absolutely. Just like when Lumsden left and the trio of Osman, Aizlewood and Shelton took over.

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Unfortunately the players have a much respect for Millen as they did in the end for GJ. The Hartley incident is some proof of that. The players call him 'statto', 'clipboard' and 'van driver' so I cant see them getting motivated to play for him.

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Absolutely. Just like when Lumsden left and the trio of Osman, Aizlewood and Shelton took over.

But just think who our current "senior pros" are, and what experience they have at other clubs, internationals, playing under top rate managers, etc. Only Hartley has anything like the experience of Osman et al.

Furthermore, to my knowledge, none of our current senior pros has appeared in a feature film or even met Sylvester Stallone. I rest my case. preacher.gif

There is really no alternative to Millen, as a temporary measure, until Steve makes the right permanent appointment.

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Unfortunately the players have a much respect for Millen as they did in the end for GJ. The Hartley incident is some proof of that. The players call him 'statto', 'clipboard' and 'van driver' so I cant see them getting motivated to play for him.

Sl better include players representatives on the interview panel when he is selecting the new manager so he chooses a man the players are completely happy to play under!

It is about time some of our players shaped up and started earning the very generous salaries the club pays them.

Sad though I am to see GJ go, it has been obvious for some time now that he had probably reached the point of no return, and while it is impossible to say that he had lost the dressing room, there was no doubt that the relationship between manager and players was becoming increasingly strained and aggrevated by the pressure of poor results and league position.

However, while so many fans have placed all the blame squarely on Johnson's shoulders, I do feel that he has been increasingly undermined from within the dressing room.

Is it a coincidence that we hear that Carey has been running to the chairman for some time to say that he cannot play for Johnson? When Johnson first came here and started to get some discipline back into the club was Carey not one of the ringleaders, along with Flapper and Stewart, in standing up to GJ back then? Has LC has been biding his time waiting for the right moment to extract revenge by acting as ringleader once again?

The players have a lot to prove once GJ is gone, and quickly. I hope that SL instructs the new manager to review the entire playing staff over the rest of the season and ship out any who are not good enough and/or have the wrong attitude. If some have been playing to get GJ sacked, then I hope it will rebound on them very quickly.

I would also be interested to know what the new appointee thinks about players running to the chairman to force him to sack the manager (as that appears to be what has happened) and how happy will he be to have these players in his dressing room.

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It doesnt seem right when a manager is touted or offered a job before the current one is still employed but this is hard business and this is the route Mr Lansdown should have gone down.

Now we are left with a clip board waving berk who in his time was a defender that obviously cant coach the defensive side of the game to his players.

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