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Banners For Saturday ( Merged Threads)

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Johnson was a great manager and I definately agree with the banner idea but I do think it was the right time to move on.

DanC how can you not have anything positive to say about Garys time at AG - he was one of the best managers we have ever had!

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DanC = Ungrateful selfish little P***K! Gary done a great job for us and deserves ALL the respect he is getting. The banner idea is great! Even better all 4 stands live on skysports start singing "JOHNSON SAY'S, BOUNCE AROUND THE GROUND!!" that would be a perfect tribute for a guy who WILL watch the game on sky for sure (even may be a pundit for themby then)

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I just don't see how anyone would want to pay tribute to him. Yes we had two good seasons with him although we were lucky with many 1 nil wins mainly coming in the later stages of games but the last two seasons he has been dragging this club down by wasting money on a million strikers, Hounding players about for non footballing reasons, Failing to assemble a balanced squad despite the resources at his disposal, Playing negative boring long ball football, Strange selections and he turned against the fans by constantly having a dig at them. His personal vendetta against certain players and fans took over him and he took his eye off of the ball. He is being made out as a god and certain players are suddenly the bad ones even tho they are the victims in all of this.

People on here wanted him out for all them exact reasons but now after a few tears and a bit of his cockney charm they are suddenly devastated.

There are numerous threads where you can perpetuate your anti GK feelings, go find one.

Some folk may find they have little to post now GJ has gone. Good luck to GJ. I for one shall miss him.

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