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Any New Chants

Forza Revolution

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Any takers / ideas for a new song ? A chance to request who we would like and to show the country our support with a packed gate!

Sure a few unemployed managers will be watching tommorow?

Marvin and skuse getting a manicure ?

one to advertise for our new manager?

Steve lansdown ?

New era, new songs ?

Not a new chant but just to show our appretiation we should have a big chorus of johnson says, and bounce like **** 1 last time.

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Johnson has left and wont be returning, how about something more constructive ?

Attempt at demoralising their players maybe, or singing for Bristol city fc and not an ex manager.

You'll all be dropped, when you get promoted

Back in the championship when you get promoted (tune of we all hate gas scum?)

Bottom of the leauge, when you get promoted

Back in the championship when you get promoted

I dont know along those lines?

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Johnson has gone!

I am aware mate, but some fans actually care for what he did for this club. And after 4 and a half years im sure we could at least show some gradidute towards the man in some for example a song or boing tommorow. At the end of the day the players are half of the problem if they are not intrested how can GJ help. So just show some gradidute towards this man, he has been kind enough to answers any questions after his departure modestly and has shown great loyalty to this club, and hasnt a bad word to say.

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I dont no whether he will really be that bothered if we sing his name or not. He is fully aware that he lost allot of support towards the end. Even if he hears that his name has been sung by a few at the gate tommorow I'm sure that will not overcome the fact that a few days earlier most wanted him out.

I appreciate what he did for us (early on) but it is now time for him to move on and he will be looking for a knew club and not concerned as to whether we sing his name tommorow.

Secondly why not make some noise tommorow and show newcastle what our support can be like (so they can tell them in the Premier League how loud it was at ashton gate and it was the loudest ground they went too in the champ) . At the end of the day us the supporters are what make and keep Bristol city football club going and we should make ourselves proud by making an atmosphere

We (the supporters) love the badge more than anyone and I'm 99.9% sure more than allot of the players and staff. Its about time they gave us something back and johnson and the players havent done that this season.

To me, you and all us supporters im sure saturday is the biggest and best part of the week and I intend to make mine as loud as possible tommorow and wont be cheering for an ex manager who will be wearing another teams colours in the up and coming weeks.

I'll be cheering for my football club, who I will support till the end whilst managers, players ect come and go!

City till I die

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Any takers / ideas for a new song ? A chance to request who we would like and to show the country our support with a packed gate!

Sure a few unemployed managers will be watching tommorow?

Marvin and skuse getting a manicure ?

one to advertise for our new manager?

Steve lansdown ?

New era, new songs ?

How about to the tune of the Beatles hit hey Jude:-

Naaaa, na na, na na na na, na na na na, Cole Skuse.

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How about to the tune of the Beatles hit hey Jude:-

Naaaa, na na, na na na na, na na na na, Cole Skuse.

in the style of winter wonderland

to the gas are you listning to song we are singing were walking along singing a song shting on the gas as we gooo

shiting on the gas as we go have you seen the tits on trollope missies she likes to get them out and have aplay

and if you give her a fiver she will let you go all way to the gas are you listning to the song we are sining were walking along singing a song shiting on the gas as we go shiting on the gas as we go

hope you all like it not sure about the spelling

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1.Steeeeve lansdown steeeeeve lansdown! ( tune of leee trundle, leee trundle)

or eaaaast enders , eeeeeast enders

2. You'll all be dropped when you get promoted, (tune of we all hate gas scum)

You'll be dropped when you get promoted

Bottom of the leauge when you get promoted

Bottom of the leauge when you get promoted (its an endless one and a good laugh)

Manager sacked when you get promoted,

Manager sacked when you get promoted

Thrashed by united when you get promoted

Thrashed by united when you get promoted

3. Cant hear the ateyo sing (sloop john b) I think newcastle hate this one

cant hear the ateyo sing and yes i no the ateyo sing sometimes just be good to have banter)

Cant hear the ateyo sing, we'll sing on our own

I wanna go home, I wanna go hooooome

This is the worst trip ive ever beeen on

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Sorry but for me chants about the Gas just don't cut it any more! Despite the doom-mongers on here, we won't be playing them next year (except perhaps in the FA or league cup), so they are little more than an irrelevance

Even the "old favourites" leave me cold I'm afraid - I'd rather sing to support us or put down the team we happen to be playing, not give sky airtime to a tinpot club in a half-inched rugby ground....

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Ok - dead simple tune of Amore (you know the Fulham Zamora Chant)

Your Brown Ale tastes like p!ss

A real drink tastes like this

Its a Cider

or (to tune of it's all too much. I dont know why)

Managers Come

And Managers Go

But the Supporters are here

The Bristol City Show

(replace Supporters with East End maybe as they start a lot of the chants)

(I'll get my coat)

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