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Ryan 7

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So know its almost official Coppell is the gaffer, do we think he will want to bring any staff in with him?

Its already been publicised Millen is staying on as assistant, I take it Coppell agreed to this.

It will be interesting to see if we appoint a DOF, seeming Coppell prefers working with one although Nicky Hammond signed a contract with Reading recently.

*Sorry mods, you can merge if you like, I just thought it was a different topic to the rest of the posts on the threads.

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So a manager of Coppells quality has been told he must keep Millen as no 2, a man he does not know. Id imagine Millen no 3, coach of some kind for 1st team. Surely Coppell would want his own number 2..

remember John Ward and Benny Lennartsson

I understand what you are saying and I am surprised, However i'm sure Coppell would not be coming here if he thought it was'nt going to work.

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Whoever the new manager is!!!!!!! I really hope that along with Millie (who looks a stone cold cert) that Alan Walsh is retained as part of the management team. First of all Walshy is a City legend (despite his brief sojourn with the dark side - we all have at least one skeleton?) and secondly I know for a fact he is 100% respected by all of the players.

So Steve (oh sorry did I mention THAT name) welcome and good luck but please make sure Walshy is part of the team.

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Coppell knows Millen, he also doesn't have a 'team' that follows him around!

I'd also heard SC wasn't that pleased with Hammonds signings towards the end of his Reading days..

Fact is the "team that followed him around" needed work in the year that Coppell took out of the game and so are now employed by other clubs, Kevin Dillon is the Aldershot boss and Wally Downes is a coach at Sheff Utd.

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