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Just trying to put into words how important I think momentum is..

Before GJ joined we were a still pond, almost stagnant. When GJ joined he gave the club much momentum, when we went up to this league we had it in abundance!

If you imagine sloshing water in a trough and the more momentum you generate the more the water sloshes and spills over.. then imagine each division is a trough which we are sloshing about in. With SC I feel we can slosh hard and tip our water into the next trough (which is the prem), SC/SL have started some big sloshing imho.

SC has created that initial impact, signings and results will continue to keep the momentum of the sloshing going, we need to keep that trough moving so the water spills over in the prem trough..

Meh, does any of that make sense? Reading it back makes me sound like a bit of a loon.

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Just trying to put into words how important I think momentum is..

Before GJ joined we were a still pond, almost stagnant. When GJ joined he gave the club much momentum, when we went up to this league we had it in abundance!

If you imagine sloshing water in a trough and the more momentum you generate the more the water sloshes and spills over.. then imagine each division is a trough which we are sloshing about in. With SC I feel we can slosh hard and tip our water into the next trough (which is the prem), SC/SL have started some big sloshing imho.

SC has created that initial impact, signings and results will continue to keep the momentum of the sloshing going, we need to keep that trough moving so the water spills over in the prem trough..

Meh, does any of that make sense? Reading it back makes me sound like a bit of a loon.

yes it makes sense and yes I agree.

Think it's really important though that we all get in the trough and all slosh around toghether, with patience as the bigger the trough your in the more water there is to move.

Jeeze you got me at it now, sloshing and troughing and farting and coughing

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Just trying to put into words how important I think momentum is..

Before GJ joined we were a still pond, almost stagnant. When GJ joined he gave the club much momentum, when we went up to this league we had it in abundance!

If you imagine sloshing water in a trough and the more momentum you generate the more the water sloshes and spills over.. then imagine each division is a trough which we are sloshing about in. With SC I feel we can slosh hard and tip our water into the next trough (which is the prem), SC/SL have started some big sloshing imho.

SC has created that initial impact, signings and results will continue to keep the momentum of the sloshing going, we need to keep that trough moving so the water spills over in the prem trough..

Meh, does any of that make sense? Reading it back makes me sound like a bit of a loon.

The smoker you drink, the player you get!!!

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Just trying to put into words how important I think momentum is..

Before GJ joined we were a still pond, almost stagnant. When GJ joined he gave the club much momentum, when we went up to this league we had it in abundance!

If you imagine sloshing water in a trough and the more momentum you generate the more the water sloshes and spills over.. then imagine each division is a trough which we are sloshing about in. With SC I feel we can slosh hard and tip our water into the next trough (which is the prem), SC/SL have started some big sloshing imho.

SC has created that initial impact, signings and results will continue to keep the momentum of the sloshing going, we need to keep that trough moving so the water spills over in the prem trough..

Meh, does any of that make sense? Reading it back makes me sound like a bit of a loon.

And we all need to slosh in the same direction, if we slosh against one another things will get messy and some of that momentum will spill over and lost. We need to maximise our sloshing so as much water as possible spills over into the Premier League trough.

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Just trying to put into words how important I think momentum is..

Before GJ joined we were a still pond, almost stagnant. When GJ joined he gave the club much momentum, when we went up to this league we had it in abundance!

If you imagine sloshing water in a trough and the more momentum you generate the more the water sloshes and spills over.. then imagine each division is a trough which we are sloshing about in. With SC I feel we can slosh hard and tip our water into the next trough (which is the prem), SC/SL have started some big sloshing imho.

SC has created that initial impact, signings and results will continue to keep the momentum of the sloshing going, we need to keep that trough moving so the water spills over in the prem trough..

Meh, does any of that make sense? Reading it back makes me sound like a bit of a loon.

I think I get what you mean - if you don't make a big enough wave when you think you have put all your energy in there is every chance that the wave might slosh over the over end and get you relegated.

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I think I get what you mean - if you don't make a big enough wave when you think you have put all your energy in there is every chance that the wave might slosh over the over end and get you relegated.

Yes, positive sloshing can get you promoted, but negative sloshing could equally get you relegated.

Out with negativity and forward with some massive positive sloshing then! bounce.gif

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Yes, positive sloshing can get you promoted, but negative sloshing could equally get you relegated.

Out with negativity and forward with some massive positive sloshing then! bounce.gif

But positive sloshing can get you relegated, if you don't slosh hard enough in one direction then that slosh can rebound. So we all need to make an effort and make sure our sloshing for the prem troth is so much of a slosh that there is no chance of the slosh rebounding - we have to over slosh.

I am so bringing up the sloshing philosophy for negative threads in the future.

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Just trying to put into words how important I think momentum is..

Before GJ joined we were a still pond, almost stagnant. When GJ joined he gave the club much momentum, when we went up to this league we had it in abundance!

If you imagine sloshing water in a trough and the more momentum you generate the more the water sloshes and spills over.. then imagine each division is a trough which we are sloshing about in. With SC I feel we can slosh hard and tip our water into the next trough (which is the prem), SC/SL have started some big sloshing imho.

SC has created that initial impact, signings and results will continue to keep the momentum of the sloshing going, we need to keep that trough moving so the water spills over in the prem trough..

Meh, does any of that make sense? Reading it back makes me sound like a bit of a loon.

Gibberish, probably written by an idiot.

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