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Players To Be Moved On By Sc...


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Will be interesting to see who SC shows the door to.

As much as I love him, time has caught up with Louis Carey and he's getting more inconsistent than ever.

Wonder who else will be on their way out?

Agree with Carey, also think the fringe players will be on their way out.

B Wilson,


L Johnson,

Akinde (Season Loan).

Also think a few suprise players could be gone aswell. Maynard?

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city.gif As for Lee Johnson,when he came back from loan he said he wanted to remain at City and had 18 months to go on his contract and was settled in Bristol with his kid just starting school so I doubt if he will go.

As for the others if they are still in contract someone has to buy them if you put them on the transfer list and they have to want to leave.

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I have just read on a different forum that Fonts is out of contract in June. Can anyone confirm that as I reckon he would be a big loss, certainly on a free!

not sure about that one. to be honest though GJ was so secretive about these matters so its hard to know who is and isnt alot of teh time. which is daft really because if a player wanted to get away on a bosman his agent would make it know to all and sundry anyway!!

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I have just read on a different forum that Fonts is out of contract in June. Can anyone confirm that as I reckon he would be a big loss, certainly on a free!

I think from what I have seen this season he is the ONLY one of the back four I would keep IF we can find a new back line.

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Just on all the articles linked to contracts, it doesn't show him as out of contract end of this season. Just seems odd if he is.

After the 2008 season most players had their contacts prolonged but for how long? We were never told. Based on common sense Fonts should atleast have got a three year deal at the time.

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I keep seeing lots of names being mentioned going in both directions. This is odd because that doesn't tally with what Coppell was quoted as saying. "tinkering around the edges" suggests a few odd changes rather than sweeping ones. I think some of the periphereal squad names will be moved on for sure, but I don't see many of this seasons regulars going anywhere.

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Let's put it this way, of the current squad who could you see playing 30 plus games in a side challenging for a top 6 spot?










Carey (age allowing)

Elliott (if he continues to slowly regain form)

Ribeiro (if he's as good as his few performances this season)

Clarkson (if he gets fit and gets a run)

The rest? Not for me. I know a few of them have before in our first season but that season was an anomaly in terms of how weak the competition was and how much momentum we had. We played very tight football and edged almost every game we won, not a feat likely to be repeated.

I'd think opportunities to replace any of the other players with better ought to be fairly easy to come by and should be taken though obviously SC won't want to make that many changes in one go and much will depend on contracts. Players who've played little this season or don't fit the preferred system (comments on wingers would would seem to mean 442) will probably be likely to go so that would mean Collis, B Wilson, McCombe, Trundle, Williams and LJ possibly most likely with loan players obviously gone too. I would also take any reasonable offer for Sproule, Nyatanga and Gerken myself.

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Let's put it this way, of the current squad who could you see playing 30 plus games in a side challenging for a top 6 spot?










Carey (age allowing)

Elliott (if he continues to slowly regain form)

Ribeiro (if he's as good as his few performances this season)

Clarkson (if he gets fit and gets a run)

The rest? Not for me. I know a few of them have before in our first season but that season was an anomaly in terms of how weak the competition was and how much momentum we had. We played very tight football and edged almost every game we won, not a feat likely to be repeated.

I'd think opportunities to replace any of the other players with better ought to be fairly easy to come by and should be taken though obviously SC won't want to make that many changes in one go and much will depend on contracts. Players who've played little this season or don't fit the preferred system (comments on wingers would would seem to mean 442) will probably be likely to go so that would mean Collis, B Wilson, McCombe, Trundle, Williams and LJ possibly most likely with loan players obviously gone too. I would also take any reasonable offer for Sproule, Nyatanga and Gerken myself.

That's your opinion and obviously that of a few others on here. However as I say, Coppells initial statements don't suggest he is looking to make a big clear out. I would think that he has looked at how KM has got more out of some certain players in his short time here and thinks that with his guidance he could something more out of the players over a longer period.

I would be very surprised if there were more than 8 changes in both directions, i.e. 3/4 out and 3/4 in. I am not counting the loanees etc in this because I don't consider them City players as such. Only 2 things might change this, a run of injuries or silly money being thrown at Nicky M, but even then SC says himself he isn't one for spending big money so I wouldn't expect a big name signing of the type being mentioned on here.

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That's your opinion and obviously that of a few others on here. However as I say, Coppells initial statements don't suggest he is looking to make a big clear out. I would think that he has looked at how KM has got more out of some certain players in his short time here and thinks that with his guidance he could something more out of the players over a longer period.

I would be very surprised if there were more than 8 changes in both directions, i.e. 3/4 out and 3/4 in. I am not counting the loanees etc in this because I don't consider them City players as such. Only 2 things might change this, a run of injuries or silly money being thrown at Nicky M, but even then SC says himself he isn't one for spending big money so I wouldn't expect a big name signing of the type being mentioned on here.


J. Wilson



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I would be very surprised if there were more than 8 changes in both directions, i.e. 3/4 out and 3/4 in. I am not counting the loanees etc in this because I don't consider them City players as such. Only 2 things might change this, a run of injuries or silly money being thrown at Nicky M, but even then SC says himself he isn't one for spending big money so I wouldn't expect a big name signing of the type being mentioned on here.

I'm fairly sure there'll be 6 or 7 players coming in. Once you eliminate loanees and players we know to be leaving (Trundle), we have a pretty small squad of something like 23 and of those over half a dozen are inexperienced or have hardly played this season. It's also very unbalanced with one natural back and no left winger.

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I'm fairly sure there'll be 6 or 7 players coming in. Once you eliminate loanees and players we know to be leaving (Trundle), we have a pretty small squad of something like 23 and of those over half a dozen are inexperienced or have hardly played this season. It's also very unbalanced with one natural back and no left winger.

Could be wrong here, but think I read somewhere that Coppell wanted a squad of 20 to work with, so I guess the fringe players go and are replaced with 'better quality'. Squad numbers go down, quality goes up. I'd be happy with that.

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Unfortunately a lot of the squad are so inconsistent and SC has to weigh up whether the likes of LJ and Sproule produce good performances enough of the time. Personally, for us to move to lthe next level I think we need to replace them with more consistent players proven at this level. We clearly have some money for us to spend and maybe itll end up sumthing like this:

Also, neither Gerken or Henderson are good enough to be our number 1, but both capable number 2s, I dont think we need both so ship one out and get a quality keeper in.


Lee Johnson




Brian Wilson

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I think the last thing you'd say when you come into a club is I'm going to be making massive changes, it'd affect morale of the existing players, it is definately not a great thing to say.

What I was thinking even more so when we had two games left to play! Even if SC wants to make a huge number of changes he wouldnt have said so.

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Could be wrong here, but think I read somewhere that Coppell wanted a squad of 20 to work with, so I guess the fringe players go and are replaced with 'better quality'. Squad numbers go down, quality goes up. I'd be happy with that.

It was "at least 20 first team players" - that's several more than we have now really and some will inevitably leave.

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