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I Wouldnt Mind If The Gas Were Promoted........


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Ok peps hear me out. I hate the gas as much as the next person. However I have been truely amazed at the amount of people that wanted the palarse to get relegated, and it got me thinking on this subject.

For me i Love the games against bitter rivals - My first memories of city was playing milwall in the league and the tension thier fans/scum created around the gate - micky bell free kick went down very well!

So in a weird way what i am trying to say is i want us to play rovers twice a season - albiet stuff them. I want the swindle to get promoted, im glad palace stayed up cuz its one of the first fixtures i would look for next season (that and hull).

Am i crazy in thinking like this as i note some of you would like rovers/ palace/ cardiff to go out of existence - but hey life would be very boring with no one to hate!

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First of all, most on here would celebrate if the Sags went bust tomorrow

Secondly we dont call Gas nomore, they are the Sags, sagheads, sad saggy sadhead or just plain gash will do fine.

You wont win many friends on here with posts like that but welcome on board brother

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I would welcome relegation for Rovers, followed by another relegation and onwards and downwards inexorably into oblivion.

I don't miss the Derby games with Rovers' players kicking lumps out of our lads every time or the regular freak goals ( Smart, Hibbitt etc.) that they saved for Derby day.

As for rivalry, yes, they will always be our biggest rivals and the team I would wish City to smash and humiliate the most if we met in the Cup but true footballing rivals are teams of equal stature and ability who you come up against at a level Rovers will never reach.

We don't need Rovers when we have the likes of Forest, Cardiff, Palace plus new teams every season to renew or commence meaningful footballing rivalry.

Rovers are a club to detest constantly and swat mercilessly occasionally in the Cups when needs be - we don't need them to be a permanent irritant in our own division.

Just to add, for such a non entity of a club they're getting far too much mention on this forum recently.

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Ok peps hear me out. I hate the gas as much as the next person. However I have been truely amazed at the amount of people that wanted the palarse to get relegated, and it got me thinking on this subject.

For me i Love the games against bitter rivals - My first memories of city was playing milwall in the league and the tension thier fans/scum created around the gate - micky bell free kick went down very well!

So in a weird way what i am trying to say is i want us to play rovers twice a season - albiet stuff them. I want the swindle to get promoted, im glad palace stayed up cuz its one of the first fixtures i would look for next season (that and hull).

Am i crazy in thinking like this as i note some of you would like rovers/ palace/ cardiff to go out of existence - but hey life would be very boring with no one to hate!

Clearly not as much as me. What an unbelievable post.

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Ok peps hear me out. I hate the gas as much as the next person. However I have been truely amazed at the amount of people that wanted the palarse to get relegated, and it got me thinking on this subject.

For me i Love the games against bitter rivals - My first memories of city was playing milwall in the league and the tension thier fans/scum created around the gate - micky bell free kick went down very well!

So in a weird way what i am trying to say is i want us to play rovers twice a season - albiet stuff them. I want the swindle to get promoted, im glad palace stayed up cuz its one of the first fixtures i would look for next season (that and hull).

Am i crazy in thinking like this as i note some of you would like rovers/ palace/ cardiff to go out of existence - but hey life would be very boring with no one to hate!

I always say that you should limit the amount of Natch you drink on your first occassion. Too much, first time around, plays havoc with the brain cells and can be worse than taking hallucegenic drugs. Have a lie down, you'll be ok in the morning and remember - only drink in moderation next time.

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I hated the derby matches to much at stake I was always sick with my anger and hatred towards the scum. Losing to them was unbearable and winning against them never made up for the lost matches. It was always a case we should bury them so it seems we were always on a hiding to nothing.

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Ok peps hear me out. I hate the gas as much as the next person. However I have been truely amazed at the amount of people that wanted the palarse to get relegated, and it got me thinking on this subject.

For me i Love the games against bitter rivals - My first memories of city was playing milwall in the league and the tension thier fans/scum created around the gate - micky bell free kick went down very well!

So in a weird way what i am trying to say is i want us to play rovers twice a season - albiet stuff them. I want the swindle to get promoted, im glad palace stayed up cuz its one of the first fixtures i would look for next season (that and hull).

Am i crazy in thinking like this as i note some of you would like rovers/ palace/ cardiff to go out of existence - but hey life would be very boring with no one to hate!

ARE YOU CRAZY!!!? :noexp: i would just love to see them rot and go bust, horrible club,s### team,and vile fans. HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT THE SAGS!!!!? :disapointed2se:

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Clearly not as much as me. What an unbelievable post.

I hate the gas with a passion. But I would like to see us play them every once in a while for a competitive game (i.e. not a friendly), if it be the cup or league. If that means them getting promoted for a season, beat them and watch them get relegated, fantastic! I miss the Bristol derby.

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I hate the gas with a passion. But I would like to see us play them every once in a while for a competitive game (i.e. not a friendly), if it be the cup or league. If that means them getting promoted for a season, beat them and watch them get relegated, fantastic! I miss the Bristol derby.

It would be worth the 2 players we'd have ruled out for the season as a result, would it?

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It would be worth the 2 players we'd have ruled out for the season as a result, would it?

Strange question. If you are asking me if I would like city players to get injured - obviously no! But would I like to see the Bristol derby more regularly? Yes, I miss it.

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Well everyone is different - the way is see it is rivallary is healthy for success. Its simply the desire to do better than the other half that makes every game have that extra importance. I do agree i cant see sags in the same division as us ever. I just think the manchester derbys - north london derbys - sheffield derbys - liverpool v everton have something that makes football so addictive. Im still bitter about the tinpot trophy loss and want to put it right i guess taking 6pts from sags and finishing above them would put it right.

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I hate the gas with a passion. But I would like to see us play them every once in a while for a competitive game (i.e. not a friendly), if it be the cup or league. If that means them getting promoted for a season, beat them and watch them get relegated, fantastic! I miss the Bristol derby.

Don't get me wrong, part of me would love to play them again...in the cup! But even then I'd be so worried, not sure I could take losing again! As for the promotion question though, no, in EVERY single way, I would not wish any success on them whatsoever.

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I sort of agree that having Swindle and Sags in our division would be good for Bristol and for young kids getting into football. The lack of a healthy local rivalry (where we actually get to play each other!) is part of the reason kids look to support the likes of Man U and Chelsea - so they can have that banter about who is best etc. There is no argument in terms of City v Sags.

Personally I'd always feel more of a buzz in the build up to us playing Sags than I would playing the likes of Palarse. But... I am faced there with two issues which makes the whole idea unthinkable.

1. It would mean either us being relegated or Sags being promoted. I wouldn't wish for either of those.

2. Given that the Sags are light years behind us in terms of wealth, support, ambition and potential, I wouldn't want us to be competing at that level anymore. We've raised the stakes in terms of our own expectations and that has to take precedence over me having an excuse to wind the Sag Mrs Hibbert up twice a season.

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no chance! the sooner the sags go into non-league as they almost did a few seasons ago and stay there the better, i won't be happy til clevedon town and wsm are above them! the sags already have far less support with the bristol schoolkids now than back in the early 90's and thats after just 10 years of them being below us, lets make that 20 i say! hopefully they'll be trading attendence figures with manor farm in the future, when we're in our new 30k stadium!

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Dont miss the Derby games at all ,used to stop me sleeping at nights thinking what it would be like to lose against them ,would get like that about 2 weeks before game .Anybody who thinks it would be 6 easy points hasnt gone through the times when we couldnt buy a win against them .No let them stay where they are or go back to the basement ,well away from us.

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