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Big Summer For The 4 C's


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Big Summer starts here today...

1, Steve Coppell takes office at Ashton Gate... predict a good summer ahead, forwards & upwards for BCFC :city:

2, Capello prepares England for the World Cup 2010 ... predict a great year for England (possibly the best :fingerscrossed: since 1966) :englandsmile4wf:.

3, Cameron, Clegg .. climb into Parliamentary bed with each other ... predict stormy :badmood: summer, no idea which way the wind will blow for the UK.. :handbags: a certainty, probably all end in tears before the years out leading to inevitable :surrender: and another general election.


Looks like No1 Steve Coppell is best placed to deliver... :sun:

Hopefully No2 Capello will achieve great things too... :englandsmile4wf:

Hmm No's 3&4 Cameron/Clegg... :ermm: watch this space... :dunno:

Interesting Summer Ahead for the four C's- for Club, Country & UK!!!

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1) Can't wait for August and the new footie season to start!... will be in our new house by then too!

2) Should get through the group stages fairly easily, the finals should be fun!

3) ...hmmm the new house.... looking forward to high interest rates on the mortgage.... I can see some overtime looming! I hope it doesn't make me ill because the waiting lists'll be huge for treatment, that's if they can afford the drugs of course.... may need lots of drugs..... worrying whether my son is getting a good enough education after the inevitable cuts in spending.... the good news is that we will have a referendum to choose a new voting system which nobody will understand! Lush!.... where's me rope! blink.gif

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1) Will have a far too much expectation heaped on his shoulders. No win situation for him.

2) Will be hounded out by the gutter press and its fickle readership if England don't at least reach the final.

3) Will lead this country to a new age of imperialistic dominion over the world, the only way of paying for the growing number of workshy wasters and ever growing pension deficit.

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1) Will have a far too much expectation heaped on his shoulders. No win situation for him.

2) Will be hounded out by the gutter press and its fickle readership if England don't at least reach the final.

3) Will lead this country to a new age of imperialistic dominion over the world, the only way of paying for the growing number of workshy wasters and ever growing pension deficit.

Ohh cheer up, dont be a silly Moo :) ...

1) nature of the game, thats football, the best managers can handle it.. I think we've got one of the best! :sun:

2) ditto, ditto, ditto... :fingerscrossed: we'll give it a good go though! :sun:

3) hmm Con/Libs.. Conservatives not too pleased about, Libs not too sure about, one things certain Cameron without the Libs wouldnt have a Clegg to stand on! ..:rain: (still gotta hope for the best though)

So two outta three aint bad eh?... Bring on the Summer :sun:

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