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Steve Coppell Interview This Morning


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Not seen a great deal of the squad. Been watching DVDs over last 3-4 weeks. Not until you see them in training can you really assess strengths and weaknesses. Doesn't look like there'll be too much activity until training resumes then.

Having said that, though. we are in a strong position to do something in the transfer market. Will be speaking to Millen and Pete Johnson to see where we need to strentghen. No targets at this point in time, but looking to move if and when a potential target becomes available.

Seems resigned to losing Maynard if a big offer comes in from a Prem side to turn his head. Said that it's more likely to be a case where a club will make an offer and make it publically known, which will unsettle a player, and if that happens then it's likely we'd have to look to let him leave rather than keep him against his wishes. Therefore the size of the offer to us may not be as important as we would like to think. Is satisfied at the moment though that Nicky will be a City player next season.

Alan Walsh & David Lee are safe, which we knew anyway, but is aware that some people may wish to move on into bigger jobs (i.e. coaches will want to step into management etc), but is satisfied that a lot of people would want to work for the club if the requirement arises

Would like to play a certain way but would like to think he's pragmatic and will initially possibly stick with a winning formula if needs be, given our end of season form. Will look to try and bring some width to our style eventually though.

Gotta be honest, all in all it wasn't the most positive of interviews but then he does have a huge task ahead of him, so i'll let him off!

Welcome to the club, Steve.

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Gone about it in the right way for me. Agree that until you see them on the training pitch you can't really make a decision, and I'm sure that he has targets in mind - but he's not going to share them with us just yet!

Makes a change from the usual 'stick with the lads that got us here' line that GJ used to come out with. Not a dig at the fella, but that's what we heard from May to July previously.

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