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Another Reminder.....


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Just read this on the bbc website - http://news.bbc.co.u...ast/8679851.stm

Apologies if posted elsewhere on here, but for all the bad luck that I'm sure most of us wish Cardiff in the final - it's only a game of football.

RIP fellow football fan

Think this is worth a few more replies, as it's so true and affected our club in the same way around 2 years ago, R.I.P Wayne Jones.

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This must have been horrible.

Someone is fighting for their life. Another fan is fighting to save them. Whilst all around, people who do not know what is going on (not their fault, you can't know what you don't know) are cheering, singing etc etc.

A tragedy of course, sympathies to the bereaved, naturally, but how horrible also for those caught up in it all. Should have been one of the best nights for any supporter (Crystal Palace, second leg anyone?) but if that was going on in the row in front of you or the row behind you, horrible.

Sympathies to the family, the wife, the kids, the workmates the friends, everyone whose life just got that little bit more sh***y because of this.

Sympathies also to the spectators surrounding the event, it would surely have been horrific and traumatising and, whilst as the OP says, it does put football into perspective, it also will have put a huge damper on the night.

So as well as the obvious condolences, I feel for the fans around the incident, they will have experienced this horrible event 'up close and personal' and will have seen thousands of others, only feet away who were unaware of what was happening and for whom, in that specific, tragic moment, didn't remember that football is only a game.

RIP Wayne Jones

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This must have been horrible.

Someone is fighting for their life. Another fan is fighting to save them. Whilst all around, people who do not know what is going on (not their fault, you can't know what you don't know) are cheering, singing etc etc.

A tragedy of course, sympathies to the bereaved, naturally, but how horrible also for those caught up in it all. Should have been one of the best nights for any supporter (Crystal Palace, second leg anyone?) but if that was going on in the row in front of you or the row behind you, horrible.

Sympathies to the family, the wife, the kids, the workmates the friends, everyone whose life just got that little bit more sh***y because of this.

Sympathies also to the spectators surrounding the event, it would surely have been horrific and traumatising and, whilst as the OP says, it does put football into perspective, it also will have put a huge damper on the night.

So as well as the obvious condolences, I feel for the fans around the incident, they will have experienced this horrible event 'up close and personal' and will have seen thousands of others, only feet away who were unaware of what was happening and for whom, in that specific, tragic moment, didn't remember that football is only a game.

RIP Wayne Jones

He also now won't get to see his team at Wembley, which is terrible, a tiny bit of me wants them to win it for him, because it's a game where i don't really want either side to win anyway, so that might just of swayed it.

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