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Potential Stadium Sponsor?

Sargent Pepper

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Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it but since the kit deal with adidas has been announced it's been on my mind that the partnership may go a bit further. In the offical press release City don't state how many years the deal is for, which i'm sure is no big secret and is usually mentioned. Also the quote from the adidas guy reads "The club has some compelling and exciting plans and developments happening over the next few years and we are excited to be part of this with the club..."

Ok, i could be reading to much into this but it could make sense.... The Adidas Ashton Arena anyone?

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Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it but since the kit deal with adidas has been announced it's been on my mind that the partnership may go a bit further. In the offical press release City don't state how many years the deal is for, which i'm sure is no big secret and is usually mentioned. Also the quote from the adidas guy reads "The club has some compelling and exciting plans and developments happening over the next few years and we are excited to be part of this with the club..."

Ok, i could be reading to much into this but it could make sense.... The Adidas Ashton Arena anyone?

On a slightly related note, how many years does the DAS deal run for? Are they definitely shirt sponsors next season?

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Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it but since the kit deal with adidas has been announced it's been on my mind that the partnership may go a bit further. In the offical press release City don't state how many years the deal is for, which i'm sure is no big secret and is usually mentioned. Also the quote from the adidas guy reads "The club has some compelling and exciting plans and developments happening over the next few years and we are excited to be part of this with the club..."

Ok, i could be reading to much into this but it could make sense.... The Adidas Ashton Arena anyone?

thats just plain awful. we'll be branded the binge drinking capital of England if that happens.

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Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it but since the kit deal with adidas has been announced it's been on my mind that the partnership may go a bit further. In the offical press release City don't state how many years the deal is for, which i'm sure is no big secret and is usually mentioned. Also the quote from the adidas guy reads "The club has some compelling and exciting plans and developments happening over the next few years and we are excited to be part of this with the club..."

Ok, i could be reading to much into this but it could make sense.... The Adidas Ashton Arena anyone?

An arena is an enclosed area, often circular or oval-shaped, designed to showcase theater, musical performances, or sporting events.

Thats the definition of an Arena and anyway the word means sand in spanish which conjurs up an image of repeated capitulation much like Coventry City ever since they moved from Highfield Road.

We are hopefully moving into a traditional 4 sided structure and it would be a misnomer to call it an Arena.

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Poorer clubs normally get a stadium sponsor as they're desperate for money.

Bigger clubs would do it for mega bucks ONLY.

I don't see us in any of those brakcets and we're not a club in need of extra money and that we ain't a big club.

Lansdown should hopefully go along the lines of just calling it something simple like Ashton Vale Stadium or New Gate.....

Same again for the stands, it makes me cringe seeing stands named after a company, not a legend.

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Poorer clubs normally get a stadium sponsor as they're desperate for money.

Bigger clubs would do it for mega bucks ONLY.

I don't see us in any of those brakcets and we're not a club in need of extra money and that we ain't a big club.

Lansdown should hopefully go along the lines of just calling it something simple like Ashton Vale Stadium or New Gate.....

Same again for the stands, it makes me cringe seeing stands named after a company, not a legend.

SL has said sponsorship is a definite possibility, but I guess if no company wants to stump up the cash then there wont be a sponsor. I'm sure we'll here something soon after building work starts, I think the arsenal stadium was the emirates stadium for quite some time before it opened.

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Poorer clubs normally get a stadium sponsor as they're desperate for money.

Bigger clubs would do it for mega bucks ONLY.

I don't see us in any of those brakcets and we're not a club in need of extra money and that we ain't a big club.

Lansdown should hopefully go along the lines of just calling it something simple like Ashton Vale Stadium or New Gate.....

Same again for the stands, it makes me cringe seeing stands named after a company, not a legend.

Every club is in need of extra money however i take your point. I think you are saying we would not command millions a season perhaps 500k a season and you are saying is this sufficient to have to succumb to a re-brand of the stadium name which will change every few years. If this is your argument then it is a fair one and a difficult set of circumstances for Steve.

He may very well wait until we hopefully reach the prem and have more exposure with the possible world cup divi and then be in a position to command a significantly higher sponsorship value. I suspect this is exactly the game plan.

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Every club is in need of extra money however i take your point. I think you are saying we would not command millions a season perhaps 500k a season and you are saying is this sufficient to have to succumb to a re-brand of the stadium name which will change every few years. If this is your argument then it is a fair one and a difficult set of circumstances for Steve.

He may very well wait until we hopefully reach the prem and have more exposure with the possible world cup divi and then be in a position to command a significantly higher sponsorship value. I suspect this is exactly the game plan.

We wouldnt sign a short term deal, nearly all stadium deals are around 10 years, Emirates stadium is the emirates until 2021 a 15 year deal, the JJB stadium was a 10 year deal, walkers stadium also a 10 year deal.

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I think once the result of the world cup bid is in we will see just how much we can start the bidding war at for the international exposure someones company is going to get

FIFA rules dont allow any sponsorship of stadiums, all of the stadiums in germany that were sponsored were renamed and any advertising was replaced with FIFAs own. So any exposure would be minimum.

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An arena is an enclosed area, often circular or oval-shaped, designed to showcase theater, musical performances, or sporting events.

Thats the definition of an Arena and anyway the word means sand in spanish which conjurs up an image of repeated capitulation much like Coventry City ever since they moved from Highfield Road.

We are hopefully moving into a traditional 4 sided structure and it would be a misnomer to call it an Arena.

With all the sand on the Gash pitch, maybe it should be called the Memorial Arena !!!

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I note in the WC 2018 england bid document that its called 'Ashton Vale' - this could just be its temp name much like 'New Anfield' in Scouseville.

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FIFA rules dont allow any sponsorship of stadiums, all of the stadiums in germany that were sponsored were renamed and any advertising was replaced with FIFAs own. So any exposure would be minimum.

what about Reebok Stadium=Bolton Football Club{Stadium Named After Reebok Sports Company},

Madejski Stadium=Reading FC{Owned By Guy Who Owns Auto Trader Magazine},

JJB{a.k.a JJB Sports}{Stadium=home of Wigan Athlectic FC and Wigan Warriors{Stadium Named After JJB Sports Shop},

Britannia Stadium=Stoke City{Stadium named after Britannia Flight Company},

Emirates Stadium=Arsenal{Emirates Stadium named after Emirates Flight Company}

to name a few so its either 1. if FIFA says they can't have Sponsor Stadiums then why have these few clubs been told they can have Sponsored Stadiums or

2.actually it may be that you have no idea what your talking about and know nothink about Football

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what about Reebok Stadium=Bolton Football Club{Stadium Named After Reebok Sports Company},

Madejski Stadium=Reading FC{Owned By Guy Who Owns Auto Trader Magazine},

JJB{a.k.a JJB Sports}{Stadium=home of Wigan Athlectic FC and Wigan Warriors{Stadium Named After JJB Sports Shop},

Britannia Stadium=Stoke City{Stadium named after Britannia Flight Company},

Emirates Stadium=Arsenal{Emirates Stadium named after Emirates Flight Company}

to name a few so its either 1. if FIFA says they can't have Sponsor Stadiums then why have these few clubs been told they can have Sponsored Stadiums or

2.actually it may be that you have no idea what your talking about and know nothink about Football

Clubs can sell their stadium name rights theres nothing to stop them doing this. It is when the stadiums are used within a FIFA/UEFA international competion, such as the world cup they do not use sponsored branded stadium names. I am guessing this is because FIFA have not received any money from the company to have their brand advertised worldwide for free by FIFA so they will use what the stadium was called before the sponsorship name or another one given to it by the club. So in the instance of the Emirates Stadium, this will likely to be called Ashburton Grove during the world cup as this is what it was known as before Arsenal agreed a naming rights deal. Once the tournament is over commentators and info bars when broadcasting a game will revert back to it being called the Emirates.

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