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Apple Juice

Guest chimp choker

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Guest chimp choker

Throughout the season I`ve visited opposing message boards before away games to get a rise and have a laugh. Without doubt you lot are the biggest pack of moaners and whingers I`ve come across. It must be something they put in that poncy apple juice you keep drinking. What do you have as a chaser? Ribena?

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Guest Champagne Football

What type of response are you hoping for? :Sleep12: After reading your posts, it seems to me like you are a rather immature person hoping to provoke people. Go bother someone else...

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Throughout the season I`ve visited opposing message boards before away games to get a rise and have a laugh. Without doubt you lot are the biggest pack of moaners and whingers I`ve come across. It must be something they put in that poncy apple juice you keep drinking. What do you have as a chaser?  Ribena?
and what do you know about our circumstances?

How do you know we don't have valid reasons to moan?

Where we could be the biggest moaners you have ever come across we are also the most realistic and passionate.

and that poncy apple juice, you would be on the floor with half a pint of the local stuff.

Now ###### off we don't want you here with pathetic, unsupported coments like that.

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Guest chimp choker


Now you`re getting it. Actually my favourite game is naked Twister but lets stick to talking about football.

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Guest Harry May

Today on a 12 hour shift , I made 45 pallets , with 70 crates on each , each crate containing 2 trays , each tray containing 24 tetrapaks of ...........Ribena.

I come home from work , after tea , a quick look on the City web-site for any team news and some baboon butt lover is talking about ...........Ribena.

I now hate Hartlepool with a passion normally reserved for Cardiff and Millwall.

Caldicot Red.

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Today on a 12 hour shift , I made 45 pallets , with 70 crates on each , each crate containing 2 trays , each tray containing 24 tetrapaks of ...........Ribena.

I come home from work , after tea , a quick look on the City web-site for any team news and some baboon butt lover is talking about ...........Ribena.

I now hate Hartlepool with a passion normally reserved for Cardiff and Millwall.

Caldicot Red.

was it those funky new hot ones or the brrrgghh cold ones?!

Or was it just standard bena?


Interested Bling

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And to add to Bling's question...

What's everyone's favourite type of cider then?

When I was younger you couldn't beat dry Blackthorn.

But now I think that mine is Thatcher's traditional stuff (it says it's fermented in a traditional oak cask... I'll believe them)

Nice, cloudy, and still has the bits in it. The less fizzy the better - it shocks me what passes as cider these days.


Interested Rob

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Guest Harry May

Lordofthebling- in answer to your question - all of 'em , from Toothkind through to the standard with all the exotic ones in between.Plus Strawberry , tropical orange and any other concoction the marketing men( or women ) can dream up.

Caldicot Red.

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well Rob,

My journey of Cider is a long one....

Back in the days of Downend School, it was often known that i may have frequented Page Park and sometimes Staple Hill with some White Lightening and some 20/20 - but hey, this was a point when i was turning into a man...

Then i started to enjoy the Woodpecker, but as the pallet started to develop and the alcohol limit increased, i had to look elsewhere..

Ye olde English was one for a time and so was the thorn, but before coming to Univeristy, Thatchers was the tipple...

Now, sadly at a London Uni, i mainly have to put up with strongbow...

However, i have stocked up on Langdon Farms finest, North East Zummerset...


An inquisitive Bling

P.S: Many thanks Caldicot, i will slepp easy in my bed tonight knowing that the toothkind variety is going to still be on our shelves..

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Glad to say I've always avoided White Lightning like the plague.... invented by corporate devils determined to rob the youth of a proper scrumpy taste. I tell you, kids take some swigs of that, are sick and go off cider forever. Hence, they then move onto the more expensive stuff like lagers, lining the corporations' pockets :P

Mind you, I'm not averse to some proper ales and bitters myself. Sometimes I think that many people are missing out by sticking solely to lagers like Stella and Carling.

Cripes, I sound like an old man now, and I'm only 20... :D

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Guest bristolbred
Throughout the season I`ve visited opposing message boards before away games to get a rise and have a laugh. Without doubt you lot are the biggest pack of moaners and whingers I`ve come across. It must be something they put in that poncy apple juice you keep drinking. What do you have as a chaser? Ribena?
What a ######!!. :P


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Throughout the season I`ve visited opposing message boards before away games to get a rise and have a laugh. Without doubt you lot are the biggest pack of moaners and whingers I`ve come across. It must be something they put in that poncy apple juice you keep drinking. What do you have as a chaser?  Ribena?

You're not far wrong.. We support a team who on the last day of the season had a chance of automatic promotion.

We support a team who have the chance of winning promotion via the play offs.

Unfortunately, the majority of users on this forum are more interested in i) where they are sitting for the next game. ii) What song should be sang at a particular moment in the game. iii) gaining Sainthood for an overaged overated one footed midfielder whose past his sell by date. iv) Under mining every move Danny Wilson makes before, during and after every game..win lose or draw.

If only we all got behind our team.Instead of the constant drivel which has been posted for all rivals to read :D

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Used to get empty milk bottles filled with the rough stuff from the local offy. Wouldn't touch the stuff now :D
Have to disagree. You can't beat proper, murky scrumpy - a decent brew like Sheppey's dispensed into your own large plastic container. Fizzy clear cider like Blackthorn is all right, and it's what I drink in the absence of the genuine stuff, but it's not a patch on the real thing.

Strangely, matchdays is the only time I drink cider these days. I think it's a loyalty thing - a ritual that is part of being proud to be a Westcountryman. Neat Jack Daniels (no ice) is my poison of choice. Which reminds me, I must visit the distillery over here some day...

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  • Admin
Throughout the season I`ve visited opposing message boards before away games to get a rise ........ 

Without doubt you lot are the biggest pack of moaners and whingers I`ve come across.

.....and how many fell for it? :D

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Throughout the season I`ve visited opposing message boards before away games to get a rise and have a laugh. Without doubt you lot are the biggest pack of moaners and whingers I`ve come across. It must be something they put in that poncy apple juice you keep drinking. What do you have as a chaser?  Ribena?



BUT............ :D

come and see the subbers we'll give ya' banter :D

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Guest lydneyred

To answer TMIB, this weather you can't beat a nice pint (or 5) of thatchers sat out in the garden after work....or before if you want!

Though did find a Glouceseter pub selling something called GL which went down really well...........or was it just that I was at a christening I had no interest in, so getting drunk was a good option?

Though when you are skint as I often am, Tesco's own in that green labelled bottle (strong dry?) will do......though not 2 bottles on a work night as I've just found out!

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