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Paul Hartley


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Hey, sorry if this is posted on the wrong part of your forum.

Us Hibees are hearing a number of rumours tonight, a couple from tested sources that we have signed Hartley on a 2 year deal.

This is gettin a mixed reception as he started off at us then became a bit of a cult figure later in his career at Hearts.

Any of you guys heard anything down your way?


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I have no inside information on this, and don't live in some of the circles that some on here seem to frequent

I mean, as far as rumours go, I'm normally picking them up just about the time that the official story is being released.

This wouldn't stop me being devastated if it was true, and leading me to hope that the volcano Edinburgh is built on is the next to explode... just as a form of Karma; like to see you get a flight out of a Scottish airport then.

Don't take him from us, please

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We haven't heard anything down here, but it wouldn't completely surprise me. He spends as much time with his family as possible in Scotland, when he's not playing or training for us.

It's also well known that Coppell prefers to have box to box midfielders which Hartley isn't anymore, so could face less playing time if he were to stay.

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He can't have signed for anybdyvat the moment as he is under contract and the transfer window is closed.

I am pretty sure he will be back with us next year.

He has a couple of kids doing their schooling in scotland. That's why he goes back as often as he can.

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wouldn't surprise me if he's gone back up north.

but would surprise me if it was hibs, considering his previous, still anything is possible.

One thing about Coppell is that if he feels a player isn't 100% he won't stand in his way in letting him go, hopefully nothing will come of this rumour though, sure the next few days will be interesting.

He can't have signed for anybdyvat the moment as he is under contract and the transfer window is closed.

of course he can, if the club have agreed to the deal he's off, transfer window being closed means nothing, plenty of players have already moved clubs so far this summer

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It would not suprise me tbh. As already stated Coppell likes box to box midfielders and i would inagine that Elliot and Scuse would start in the middle next season if no one new comes in.

It would aslo free up a lot of wages for a player sitting on the bench.

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