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Stadium Access Road

Martyn Hocking

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North Somerset planning officers have recommended that the access road to the new stadium should be approved. That is very good news.

It is, of course, possible for the planning comm councillors to ignore officers' advice but this should shift the balance of the debate significantly in favour of BCFC.

Good work behind the scenes by Colin S and co is bringing the new ground ever nearer....

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Guest oftbc

Why are the insisting the footbridge and pedestrian path be dropped from the scheme? Surely considering their concerns over the volumes of traffics they encouraging pedestrians walk ways rather than getting them scrapped.

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North Somerset planning officers have recommended that the access road to the new stadium should be approved. That is very good news.

It is, of course, possible for the planning comm councillors to ignore officers' advice but this should shift the balance of the debate significantly in favour of BCFC.

Good work behind the scenes by Colin S and co is bringing the new ground ever nearer....

The Councillor's ignored it last time - the fact it has just come to the evil post's attention shows that they are a few months behind with the news.

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