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Zee Nimbys


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Nah I think they whole exercise has been necessary, there can never be any come back from the Nimbys once they have been well and truly beaten.

Otherwise we could have this constant nagging from them, now they are being shown for exactly what they are

I've loved this bit..

"You've been putting together a relatively small number of incidents of use of the land in order to create a picture of use over a 20-year period, when in truth it has been sporadic and trivial."

Trivial, perfectly sums up the Nimbys.

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My best friend grew up in Ashton Vale in the 80s and I can asure you that no one ever used the these so called fields. I used to walk across them to get from Bemmy Down to Ashton Court it was a muddy water filled tip which was very differcult to walk across I would go as far has to say that these people claiming it to be a town green are LYING.

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I live in Ashton Vale and have done for ten years and spoke to neighbours who lived here twice, three times longer than me and they say they have no idea what there people are on about. They consider it waste land and if the stadium don't get built on it, they fear industrial units will as something will get built now the land has been sold.

This is a last resort for the Ashton Vale Heritage and no one expect anything from it.


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There is also this to consider:- http://www.basicsashtongate.co.uk/

No Sainsburys no stadium!banghead.gifranting.gif

I just went and a quick look at this site.

I don't want to start another polictcal debate we have all had our say during the course of the election. But this Green Party Councilor for Souhtville is just a middle class lentil munching right on politcaly correct proffessional protester. A so called life long Labour supporter she resigned soon from the party when Blair got elected she is one of those people I despise, much more happy to protest against things instead of trying to get things done.

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She probably rides her bike around whilst wearing her hemp jumper, rice cakes in her satchel and all pale looking from a lack of decent food!

I just went and a quick look at this site.

I don't want to start another polictcal debate we have all had our say during the course of the election. But this Green Party Councilor for Souhtville is just a middle class lentil munching right on politcaly correct proffessional protester. A so called life long Labour supporter she resigned soon from the party when Blair got elected she is one of those people I despise, much more happy to protest against things instead of trying to get things done.

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Why oh why did this basics group not audition for Briains got talent? They made me laugh infact I was in stitches reading their website. They have highlighted Sandy Park Road and the adjacent area as a model of the effect Sainsburys will have on North Street. They forget the increase in Business Rates in Bristol since the 90's also the only store that could have been affected in Bloomfield Road seldom had any stock (according to my wife who was brought up there) But even if Sainsburys did have an affect on this area of Brislington it cannot be compared to Bedminster because there was no competing supermarket there unlike Asda in East Street.

I see Ms. Green (aptly named?) is the only Green Councilor in Bristol, this is something I'm sure will change the next time her Ward is up for election (and then there was none springs to mind) of course that's as long a she hasn't returned to the New Labour fold but then now that Terrible Tony and Greedy Gordon are no longer in charge. But with her being a resident of Southville I do wonder where she does her weekly shopping, Stan Butts or perhaps the other traditional butchers whos's name I forget, for her meat, the veg shop across the road for fruit and veg whilst eschewing those enemies of the state such as Iceland, Farmfoods and the Devil incarnate ASDA. Of course for her cleaning and laundry supplies she will only use that old Bedminster family run shop Wilkinsons! All of this is carefully stuffed into the saddle bags of her and her partners tandem.

And then there's the Director of Public Health adding his opinion for which he is getting paid by the NHS for what appears to be a personal view on NHS Headed paper just to add some authority to his message (I hope the Finance Director knows this is official or else he could be sacked and charged with misappropriation of NHS property) He is worried about the population being "Car Dependant" but thankfully those fortunate residence of Ashton Bedminster and Southville will have a brand spanking new Sainsburys store within walking distance and in the name of fittness they can walk there several times a week with their 2.4 children making the ankle biters carry some shopping bags. I'm glad to see Sainsbury's considering the Nations health a well as their own profits by NOT building out of town. Of course there is the concern about the upturn in gas guzzling lorries which it would seem don't currently deliver to the Sainsbury's on the other side of Winterstoke Road.

It isn't all doom and gloom from the BASICS of humanity, Sainsburys are designing it to be more energy efficient compared to there existing store but this isn't enough for these BASICS they are worried about ll those people who will be getting to the store by car. Of course these people don't drive to ASDA, Tescos or indeed Sainsbury's at the moment.

All-in-all a new larger Sainsbury's store will not increase car travel because people who will be lured to the new store already shop somewhere be it ASDA or Tescos. Nor will it adversly affect the local small businesses in the area, the council and central Govt. have already done this with taxes and rates (the reason my father had to close down his Butchers shop) And neither will it increase obesity due to lack of excersise, this one can be blamed on games consoles and lack of school sports fields. I think the evening post's Mike Ford (love him or hate him) sums it up nicely at the end of this article http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/news/Mike-Ford-East-Street-thriving-Bristol/article-1418398-detail/article.html it has nothing to do with people supporting local shops or stopping Greenhouse gases but everything to do with a NIMBY view. The sad part about it is you cannot reason with these people or express a valid opinion that oes against theirs because despite what they say about seeing the bigger picture they can only see their own picture.

Essay over do I get an A Miss?

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I gather its all a bit nasty, I know one person speaking for the club, a supporter/ local resident, was giving a grilling by the solicitor acting in favour of the residents. Fair play though she held her own and also was supported by the club's leagl team.

Hopefully there wont be any comeback from the Vegan mafia!!!

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I gather its all a bit nasty, I know one person speaking for the club, a supporter/ local resident, was giving a grilling by the solicitor acting in favour of the residents. Fair play though she held her own and also was supported by the club's leagl team.

Hopefully there wont be any comeback from the Vegan mafia!!!

Hay I'm Vegan just coz their are some hippies that are vegan dont mean im crazy :P

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I'm Taurus, what difference does that make????

I think she's worried about the atmosphere changing and her being treated differently by the people who are against the stadium. I trying to use the word reprisals but I don't think I've spelt it right.

Apols if you are a vegan Davros no offence was meant but it was an easy reference point..

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Guest oftbc

What right do they have to use Bristol in their name. Im a Bristol resident and I'm all for Sainsburys at Ashton Gate and with it being so big and the variety it would offer I would use it myself. The majority of Bristol is likely to be in favour of the new store so they should stop using Bristol in their name. All it is is a group of sad induviduals that like to have something to moan about. Hardly representive of the whole of Bristol.

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What happens when you let an unfunny crusty lose with a blog and photoshop.

The writing style reminds me of someone on here.........

This person has carried out so many personal attacks on supporters of the Sainsbury store.

He goads you into responding, then when you do he accuses you of all sorts, loses his own argument and then bans

you from his site if you get too clever for him.

Although not typical of the opposition, he is representing them and they are colluding with him.

The best is Tony Dyer, a green supporter and wait for it, also a supporter of BCFC.

He has opposed every single part of the clubs plans, he has used freedom of information to undermine things

at every opportunity, opposing Tesco, the need for a new stadium, the world cup bid, Sainsbury's, the sale of the council car park, the sale of the allotments, the proposed new stadium, the lack of a S106 agreement, the access road and now supports the town village green.

If you dispute something with him, your words will be twisted and used against you. He overstates irrelivent petty facts to make his argument seem effective and credible.

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This person has carried out so many personal attacks on supporters of the Sainsbury store.

He goads you into responding, then when you do he accuses you of all sorts, loses his own argument and then bans

you from his site if you get too clever for him.

Although not typical of the opposition, he is representing them and they are colluding with him.

The best is Tony Dyer, a green supporter and wait for it, also a supporter of BCFC.

He has opposed every single part of the clubs plans, he has used freedom of information to undermine things

at every opportunity, opposing Tesco, the need for a new stadium, the world cup bid, Sainsbury's, the sale of the council car park, the sale of the allotments, the proposed new stadium, the lack of a S106 agreement, the access road and now supports the town village green.

If you dispute something with him, your words will be twisted and used against you. He overstates irrelivent petty facts to make his argument seem effective and credible.

in short then, he's a cnut1

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