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Coppell Interview


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Just had a quick listen to SC interview after tonights game.

He hasn't made his mind up on the Captain, he wants to find the starting 11 first! "some players might go to the top and others might go to the bottom" - this reminds me a few days ago him saying he wasn't happy about Carey, Maynard & Haynes being injured "but these things happen", I'm sure club captain Carey turning up to pre season training with a cut heal from dropping a BBQ on himself didn't go down well? perhaps I am over analysing?

Adam asked SC if it was true he had watched Skuse whilst Reading manager? he replied Cole was a player he admired and after playing "Bristol" (!) Gary & staff had said what a good player Cole will develop into, Coppell "fully endorses" this view, he then finished the interview by stating Cole "can be as good as he wants to be, he understands the game and is growing all the time".

He certainly looked the part on the half way line before the game!!

Is he ready for the captaincy?

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Just had a quick listen to SC interview after tonights game.

He hasn't made his mind up on the Captain, he wants to find the starting 11 first! "some players might go to the top and others might go to the bottom" - this reminds me a few days ago him saying he wasn't happy about Carey, Maynard & Haynes being injured "but these things happen", I'm sure club captain Carey turning up to pre season training with a cut heal from dropping a BBQ on himself didn't go down well? perhaps I am over analysing?

Adam asked SC if it was true he had watched Skuse whilst Reading manager? he replied Cole was a player he admired and after playing "Bristol" (!) Gary & staff had said what a good player Cole will develop into, Coppell "fully endorses" this view, he then finished the interview by stating Cole "can be as good as he wants to be, he understands the game and is growing all the time".

He certainly looked the part on the half way line before the game!!

Is he ready for the captaincy?

It was a very interesting interview indeed. I would imagine from that interview he will be at least vice captain if not captain.

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IMO Skuse really made the transformation from "boy to man" last season. He will make a great captain one day. Weather he is ready for it yet though is a different question.

It all of course comes down to what Mr Coppell thinks is best.

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It would be great if Cole was given the armband at somepoint. He is a local lad who loves the club and has risen from the Academy to what he is now, 1 of the first names on the teamsheet. Brian Tinnion must be applauded for giving Cole his chance to shine and he has taken it fully with both hands. I also see Cole as a loyal player who gives 110% every time he puts the shirt on and what more can you ask for than that.

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It would be great if Cole was given the armband at somepoint. He is a local lad who loves the club and has risen from the Academy to what he is now, 1 of the first names on the teamsheet. Brian Tinnion must be applauded for giving Cole his chance to shine and he has taken it fully with both hands. I also see Cole as a loyal player who gives 110% every time he puts the shirt on and what more can you ask for than that.

Well said Dan!! I had reservations about Cole a couple of years ago, concerned that he hadn't really kicked on from his initial promise. He's certainly made me eat those words!! To his credit, all the lad needed wasa sustained run in the side IN HIS BEST POSITION!! Capt. Cole.....yeah got a certain ring to it!!

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