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Building Blocks In Place For A Great Future


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Ahem, Cityzens:preacher:

I feel the urge to salute the fantastic impact our chairman has had on pretty much every aspect of our great club.

Running (and bankrolling) a football club is not easy - I would not want to do it - as sucessfully as Steve Lansdown has.

Without looking it up, I cannot remember the exact date when Steve took over as Chairman of our wonderfull club - but I know (with the great power of hindsight) that it is extremely difficult to point at any major decision that has been made that has adversely affected the club. He has invested massively (time, effort, and money); he appointed Gary Johnson - by virtue of which we regained our rightfull status as a Championship team; he has taken the difficult decision to replace Gary (who, overall did a wonderfull job for BCFC), and the management of his replacement, whilst still unproven HERE, inspires the greatest optimism. Moreover, look at the progress that has been made in finding Bristol City a worthy home for the next 100 years. This has been done with guile, determination, and great accumen - it is not just about the money. Easy for me to say!

None of this means anything without success in the future - who knows what that will bring.

All I know, is that under Steve Lansdown's stewardship, the future certainly looks bright for BCFC.

We have a decent Champoinship squad - still a work in progress, and improving all the time; we have great, and improving training facilities; we have a bright manager, respected throughout the game - and at the highest domestic level); we have the prospect of a brilliant new staduim. And we have Steve Lansdown. Thank god.

I am very, very optomistic about the future here. What I mean by this, is our long-term future - that is what matters. I don't expect instant results, I want the long-terms prosperity, security and success for the club. And I think this will now come.

This is not just a homage to Steve, it is an expression of hope and trust for the future. Things really are taking shape - slowly but surely. This is a model of how to do it that many other clubs must envy.

(Sustainable Premier League Football within five years).

(I was going to say Europe within ten years ......... why not?)

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Thank you very much Mrs Lansdown.

In all seriousness you are correct in every detail and we should be very grateful to have him and his family looking after our club.

If you visit a blogsite called "The Ashton gate Blogger" you will find he is not held in such high regard by the perpetrator Sacredspring, there are all sorts of accusations and name calling by the aforementioned person who is doing his best to stir up opposition to all of the clubs plans.

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Appointing Tinnion as manager was a major mistake.

Ironically, I think that Tinnion could have made a great manager but his experience at City has probably put him off.

Lansdown should have known that promoting someone from within (especially in a close knit team environment) is always a recipe for disaster.

I also think that letting GJ employ his brother as chief scout was another major employment mistake.

Having said that, I think that all the other wonderful qualities that you outline outweigh the two mistakes. winner_third_h4h.gif

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Appointing Tinnion as manager was a major mistake.

Ironically, I think that Tinnion could have made a great manager but his experience at City has probably put him off.

Lansdown should have known that promoting someone from within (especially in a close knit team environment) is always a recipe for disaster.

Bob Paisley?

Jim Fagan?

Kenny Dalglish?

Chris Coleman at Fulham (for a while?)

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Scrumpy-loving babbies......

What I stated in the opening posts was probably stating the obvious? But.

Come on. Why bring up Brian Tinnion?

Steve has been an incredible, overpoweringly positive firce for the club.

We simply would not be where we are today without him and his influence. The mechanism for getting back to the Championship: Steve Lansdown. The money 'invested' in supported GJ: Steve Lansdown; the training facilities: Steve Lansdown: the New Ashton Gate - all Steve Lansdown.

No-one is perfect.

Where there have been errors, they have been correctd properly - we don't want to be a club that sacks the manager every five minutes - it don't work.

No-one has done more in modern history for the Club. If any of us had the resources available that Steve does, would we really invest it in City the way Steve has. Ask yourself seriously?? Is your first thought Barbados or BCFC?


Listen guys - good luck on the Lotto tonight - hope we all win £80 million - should be enough for a new striker and a centre-half!


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