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New Signings.

Red Rag

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It mystifies me why new signings are left so late. Surely it is more benificial

to both club and player to sort out transfer dealings as early as possible.

leaving it so late means the new player/players miss almost all of the clubs

pre season training and practice games and have the added hassle of settling

in to a new environment at one of the most crucial stages of the season.

If there is a good reason this practice persits someone please enlighten me.

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It mystifies me why new signings are left so late. Surely it is more benificial

to both club and player to sort out transfer dealings as early as possible.

leaving it so late means the new player/players miss almost all of the clubs

pre season training and practice games and have the added hassle of settling

in to a new environment at one of the most crucial stages of the season.

If there is a good reason this practice persits someone please enlighten me.

Get what you say about pre season etc - but look around, only Middlesboro seem to be buying right now, it's still a very quiet market.

Plenty of time before the window shuts, and I'd rather we didn't buy if SC isn't convinced they are going to improve the squad. Wait until the last minute if it means getting the 3 / 4 players that you really want.

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I'm sure there are a lot of enquires being made by all clubs, but most will want to keep hold of their prize assets for as long as possible hoping that the bids will increase. I can't believe SC hasn't got a couple of bids awaiting replys from the selling club and I'm sure clubs have asked about or put bids in for City players. As the new season draws closer there will be a merry-go-round of transfers with clubs selling to finance their transfer targets, so I expect to see a new face or two in the next week to ten days.

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There are 40 days left in the transfer window.

Most of the business happens towards the end as players want to keep their options open etc, etc.

People need to stop panicking, it doesn't take a football genius (which Coppell is!) to know we need to strengthen.

There will be signings made just be patient and have a little faith.

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There are 40 days left in the transfer window.

Most of the business happens towards the end as players want to keep their options open etc, etc.

People need to stop panicking, it doesn't take a football genius (which Coppell is!) to know we need to strengthen.

There will be signings made just be patient and have a little faith.

Agreed, Johnson made too many quick signings towards the end emergency loan strikers etc. We don't want the same mistake to happen again!

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Two words sums up the perceived slowness by some: World Cup

I don't agree, it's the same every year, especially now the players have more freedom in their contractual arrangements. Every year we get a post asking why we haven't signed people sooner and the answer is always the same, it takes time to when so many party's are looking for the best deal. Some people would rather we signed anyone, rather than no-one or they have nothing to talk about. I would rather we make the right signings.

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I don't agree, it's the same every year, especially now the players have more freedom in their contractual arrangements. Every year we get a post asking why we haven't signed people sooner and the answer is always the same, it takes time to when so many party's are looking for the best deal. Some people would rather we signed anyone, rather than no-one or they have nothing to talk about. I would rather we make the right signings.

I think you have summed it up well but must admit I am one who is finding it hard to keep patience as it seems like an age since coppell took over. Just want the window to be closed now so we know what we got and get on with the season ahead.

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