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Coppell To Be More Involved With The Stadium Plans?


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I remember the first council meeting was underway Johnson himself spoke of the benefits having a new stadium would be, however Coppell doesn't seem to be as involved to push forward for the new stadium. Is it just me or could he be just a little more positive for this as he has said nothing and has refused to comment so far :disapointed2se:

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I remember the first council meeting was underway Johnson himself spoke of the benefits having a new stadium would be, however Coppell doesn't seem to be as involved to push forward for the new stadium. Is it just me or could he be just a little more positive for this as he has said nothing and has refused to comment so far :disapointed2se:

no, i think coppell is trying to focus on the team and possible signings.

i do believe that the new stadium might have been one of the main reasons for him to sign as it shows the clubs ambition

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I remember the first council meeting was underway Johnson himself spoke of the benefits having a new stadium would be, however Coppell doesn't seem to be as involved to push forward for the new stadium. Is it just me or could he be just a little more positive for this as he has said nothing and has refused to comment so far :disapointed2se:

would that not be like expecting Sainsbury's to say 'City should play 4-4-2' or 'Nah, 4-5-1, that's what we on the meat deli think'?

Stadium planning has been granted, the problem now has nothing to do with Coppell, let him focus on the football side of things!

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The planning application is Sainsbury's - Coppell can't really be expected to talk about the merits or ottherwise of a new supermarket.

As I see it Bristol City can have very little input to this planning application as it's not about football grounds but about building a supermarket.

I guess that this is why there's a delay over an appeal - it's up to Sainsbury's.... hopefully they don't give up and more importantly hopefully Mr Lansdown won't give up but this must be trying his patience.

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