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Colin Sexstone Statement


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It reads: "There has been considerable interest and comment on various internet websites today following Wednesday night's Council House planning meeting and our subsequent club statement.

"We understand passions are running very high but recognise the need to ensure we channel these feelings in the right direction.

"Whilst we reflect and consider the best options along with our lawyers, Sainsbury's and others, the club would urge supporters to stand back and avoid over-reacting.

"This includes personal involvement or contact with any individuals concerned with the application or anything which might have a negative impact on Bristol City FC and detract from our long-term ambitions at Ashton Vale.

"Despite Wednesday's setback to our plans, supporters should rest assured that we will continue our focus on delivering a new stadium for Bristol City Football Club.

"Once again, the club extends its thanks to our fans for their passionate and incredible support."

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  • Admin

Well, has that pissed on everyones chips or are the Trust coordinating with Colin and the club?

I think the Club has to distance itself from public displays of disapproval such as demonstrations.

Steve has spoken before about supporters getting behind the stadium etc & if nothing else, our current actions will be viewed by him and may buoy him in showing that he isn't fighting this alone & he has the City faithful behind him.

Also, abusive messages to those involved will reflect badly on the Club & would only serve to hinder our future chances upon appeal. However, if contact is made with individuals merely stating our support for the proposal & questioning why they felt in a position to reject that then it is merely democracy at work.

I remain convinced that Wednesday's result was heavily influenced by the strong opposing turnout on the night & we must ensure this does not happen at any appeal.

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  • SC&T Board Members

Well, has that pissed on everyones chips or are the Trust coordinating with Colin and the club?

Our plans have been cleared with the club.

What CS is clearly keen to avoid, as are we (hence avoiding e.g. North Street), is any over-reaction that might do more harm than good.

That's why it's important to tap into the current feeling and utilise it to generate a positive show of support for the club's ambitions. That's what the march to the new stadium site aims to do.

We are as one with CS on this.

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