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Colin Sexton Statement

Ashton Fred

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Hi all fellow reds

Just joined today to add support to the dreadful decision by Bristol City Council in refusing the planning application for Sainsburys.

I was however interested in the statement from Colin about not over reacting to the decision. These are the people that really know what is going on and have brought our club a long way in the past five years, so I would say think about what Colin has said, make your feelings felt as he obviously has been made aware of, but try not to over react.

Steve Lansdown and the BCFC Management Team are far above this.

Good to be on board!!

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I've always been a little cynical about what a few hundred people on a site like this can achieve, but the episode over the last few days has proved when everyone works together, we have a huge voice. The reaction and press that has been created from OTIB has been amazing, and although I see where Colin is coming from, I think the more public pressure (in the correct way) given by us all the better. We can't let them sweep this under the table, keep up the good work!

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